5 Tips for a Fine Dining Experience

You are ecstatic. That gorgeous man you met the other night just asked you to dinner and you are determined to make a good first impression. You look awesome in your new black dress and high heel pumps. Your upswept hair flatters the features of your pretty face which you so carefully touched up with make-up. The door bell rings and you take an excited breath…
You are thrilled. You just asked out that attractive lady you met at a party the other night. You want this dinner to be memorable that’s why you decided to splurge on a fine dining experience. You look handsome in your suit; your clean-shaven features emphasize your masculinity. You want this night to be perfect. You take a deep breath and ring the bell…
Wait! Before you ring that doorbell or open the door, there is one question you need to ponder. Have you brushed up on your dining etiquette lately?

I think most will agree that first impressions do matter. Nothing ruins a promising first date more than bad table manners. So, before you reserve a table at your favorite fine dining restaurant, here are some things to remember.

1. The Perfect Gentleman and the Gracious Lady

Gentlemen – Contrary to what some people think, chivalry is still an admirable trait. Opening doors, pulling chairs, standing up when your date excuses herself to go to the restroom etc. is not only proper but it also reveals that you are a polite and courteous person.

Ladies – Admit it, even in this day and age where we demand equal rights, having a date that is well-mannered impresses us a lot. The least we could do is show graciousness by saying thank you.

2. To Order or Not To Order, That Is the Question

Upon being seated, a waiter/waitress will hand you a menu. You may order a drink first while deciding on what to eat. Customarily, it is the man who tells the waiter what they are ordering, but it is now acceptable to place orders individually. If you are having trouble understanding the menu selections written in a foreign language, don’t feel embarrassed to ask a waiter/waitress to describe the dishes to you.

3. Which One Is The Right One?

After unfolding the table napkin and carefully placing it on your lap, it is proper to wait until you are both served before starting to eat. Now, the next question is, which one of the vast assortment of utensils do you use for a specific entree? Here is how utensils are commonly arranged in fine restaurants;

On the left side of the plate – all forks except the fish fork
On the right side of the plate – the knives are placed on the inside right, after that will be the spoons. The soup spoon is on the outside right after the teaspoons.
Upper right side of the plate – water and wine glasses
Upper left side – bread and butter plate

The easiest way to remember this is to use utensils placed farthest from the plate and then work your way in.

4. Let’s Talk (But not with your mouth full)

How many times have we heard Mom say, don’t talk when your mouth’s full? Well, Mom is definitely right and that advice perfectly applies to this situation. Take small, bite-size pieces of food, chew it carefully with your mouth closed and avoid talking while you are chewing. It is not only improper but unsightly to talk while your mouth is full. Also, refrain from asking your date any question when he/she is chewing as it will be difficult to answer you right away.
It is also good if you have a topic of interest you can both discuss while eating to avoid uncomfortable silence. Ask polite questions and listen attentively.

5. Don’t Forget To Breathe

Finally, relax. Chances are your date is as nervous as you are. Try to enjoy the dinner and the conversation you are having with your companion.

These being said I think you are now ready to embark on a new journey, and I certainly hope it will be a memorable one.
Go ahead, ring the doorbell, open the door, have fun and Bon App�©tit!

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