5 Truly Unique Halloween Costumes for Your Dog

Every year, for Halloween, people go out and search for the most original Halloween costume idea that they can find. But what about your dog? Shouldn’t the dog get the pleasure of dressing up for Halloween? Of course they should. If you have a dog that doesn’t mind wearing clothing, and is people friendly, then here are some unique ideas for Halloween Costumes for Dogs. Just please keep in mind that you should never do anything to a dog that it doesn’t want done to it. Dogs are not toys. If your dog doesn’t like wearing outfits, don’t try these. If your dog can be mean, do NOT try number five. If your dog is in any visible pain from these, stop immediately. These should only be done on dogs where no harm to them, or any people, can result.

1- Cat. That’s right, this one is so easy and unique. If you are great at sewing, then make a cat costume to fit your dog. If mot, you can either custom order one (costly), or try to find one in a store. the only trick there is that I doubt you will find any that are made specifically for dogs. If you have a larger dog, try children’s Halloween costume stores. You may need to alter it a bit, to fit two more feet, but it shouldn’t be to difficult. The end result will be hilarious and unique. Although, your dog may need some therapy.

2- Your Favorite Team’s Mascot. For this you need some SAFE and removable hair dye. Just paint your dog in the colors of your favorite team. If the dog likes to wear hats, you can add a hat of your team of choice. Or, a safer bet is to not use any hair dye, but to dress your dog in the jersey of your favorite team. If your favorite team is the Oakland Raiders (and I feel sorry for you), you can add large studded collars for a more realistic look.

3- Opposite Personality. What this means is simple. If you have a pit bull or rotweiller, put on some pink and lacey outfits. Make it look as feminine as possible. It’s Halloween, you can do this; just don’t do it on any other day of the year. If you have a poodle or little dog, dress it in leather and studded collars; the more leather and black, the better.

4- Pavlov’s Dogs. You all know the classic experiment where Pavlov got his dogs to salivate when they heard a bell, even after the food stimulus was not present. Well, recreate the experiment with your dog. This works best with a larger dog that naturally salivates, and salivates a lot. If you have a great dane, shepherd, or bull mastiff, this would work great. Just put a shirt/coat of your dog and attach many bells to it. You may want to remove the part of the bell that makes it ding, or else your dog, and everybody around, may go crazy. For more authenticity, find an old image of Pavlov and dress like him.

5- The Signature Dog. This is something that will work for you as well. What you need is a big dog, a white shirt on the dog, and a pen or marker. Then what you should do is see how many different people you can get to ‘sign’ your dog. Your dog must be people friendly, and you probably shouldn’t let children sign the dog regardless. This will work best if you are competing with another person or people to see how many signatures you can get.

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