5 Valuable Hunting Tips

1.) My first tip is don’t go hunting without scouting the land. If you’re serious about going hunting and harvesting game, then you must first start off with proper scouting preparations. The very best method is topographical maps. You can find out the lay of the land you will be hunting on by going online and ordering from one of the many topo map sites that are readily available. They are very cheap to buy, and can make a world of difference when used for hunting. They are not difficult to read once you get familiar with the maps features. The best way to pinpoint perfect stand locations is by using longitude and latitude. This will help you to distinguish the contours of your land, and help you to find features such as rivers, lakes, mines, quarries, and old logging roads. Don’t leave home without one.
2.) My second tip is don’t take the wind for granted. The wind can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. As always, hunt downwind. But in doing so, there are many things to consider. If you hunt in a “hub” area where many deer trails come together, your scent is bound to eliminate a nice chunk of hunting potential. Deer are very unpredictable, so they can come from any direction, especially during the rut. When you are doing your early season scouting, pay attention to which way the wind blows in any particular area. There are many types of wind, such as a crosswind, a swirling wind, a changing wind, thermals, and downdrafts. Study all of these types of winds, and get to know which ones occur where in all of the areas you choose to hunt. It is always a good idea to bring along a notebook so you can jot down important information. Also, you should strongly consider wearing scent-eliminating clothing, as well as using scent-eliminating sprays.
3.) My third tip is don’t place a stand in light coverage. Even though deer are color-blind, they are very keen on picking out random ink blots high up in a tree. In early archery season, you have more leeway when placing stands because there is more foliage on the trees. When November rolls around, the majority of trees are bare and your odds of spooking deer go way up. Trees such as pine, maple, and Osage orange are perfect for hiding your silhouette against the sky. When picking a tree, always remember to take into consideration every type of wind direction in that area .
4.) My fourth tip is don’t pick a common access route to your hunting spot. Whether you’re hunting out of a tree stand or a blind, the goal is to get to your destination as undetected as possible. You do not want to bump deer on the way in to your spot, nor do you want your scent to filter into any possible bedding areas. Avoid taking a route that deer will most likely use to get to your spot. Steep creeks and draws are some of your best access routes.
5.) My fifth tip is don’t be impatient. Although this is a very common tip given to beginner hunters, preaching patience can never be stated enough. My rule of thumb is to always wait another ten minutes right when I decide its time to leave. This ten minute rule has worked wonders for me, and it never ceases to amaze me. I’ve shot many buck simply by waiting those few extra minutes.
When hunting this year, have your game-plan mapped out before hand. Taking the time to fine-tune your plan of attack will always give you the upper hand. Early scouting is essential. This allows you to check out your areas wind patterns, along with finding clutch coverage spots to hang your stand or blind in. After that, find the perfect access routes that will allow you to enter and exit without leaving any sort of trail. Last but not least, be patient. Good things always come to those who wait. Happy hunting!