5 Ways to Decorate Your House in a Halloween Theme

– Do the Door & Windows
Do you have kids who love to color, cut, and paste? Well if you do then this will be perfect. All you need to decorate your doors and windows is a Halloween coloring book, scissors, glue, and some butcher paper. Have you kids color in some cool Halloween pages, cut the figures out and paste them on your doors with glue or tape; make sure to put butcher paper all over the door to ensure that the glue and tape don’t stick to it.
– Hang From The Ceiling
Have you considered buying the spider web material that’s being sold for a dollar a bag in all kinds of stores this month and you haven’t because you have no idea how you would use it? Well that spider web material will surely make your ceiling look Halloween-ish. All you need to make this happen is a couple of bags of this material, some tape, and a ladder or a chair. Cut some up, stretch it out and tape some all over your ceilings. Make sure not to put it near your fans; you can however place it on the fan blades if you’d like but in small portions.
– Use the Tables
The tables at your house can become Halloween themed simply by placing a pumpkin centerpiece with some nice flowers, some candy in a Halloween basket, or by using an orange or black table cloth on it. You can also buy some foil Halloween table cloths and use them on there to cover the top of the tables.
– Use fabrics
If you are having people over to your house this October then chances are that you want things around your house to look Halloween-ish and you also want them to stay clean and not torn or damaged right? Well you can accomplish these things simply by using Halloween colored/style fabrics on those couches; you can get these fabrics very cheap at Walmart or at a fabric store around town. Make sure to measure your couches before you go out to buy things for them. Using fabrics for you throw pillows is also a great idea.
– Dim the lights
Do you have lamps, large lights, or chandeliers around your house? If you do then it’s going to be easy to create a Halloween theme inside your house. Have your kids decorate paper cups, cut out the bottoms and then place them on chandeliers. You can also use the thin plastic table material for your large lights and create a color light. Finally you can place a nice piece of thin transparent cloth over your laps to dim the light or to make the color come out a different color thru the top.