5 Ways to Make Your House a Home

Houses have atmospheres. They radiate the mood and character of the family who dwells there. You can tell as soon as you enter someone’s house if it feels warm, open, and inviting; or stiff and uncomfortable.

It doesn’t matter how perfect your furniture is or how clean you keep your carpet. Furnishings and belongings never make up for love!

So, here are 5 ways that you can make your house into that warm and loving home you desire.

1) Maintain an open door policy

Make your house inviting to family and friends by letting them know they are welcome in your home. Encourage them to stop by to say hello or to visit with you for a few minutes. Let them know you value them as a part of your life. A closed home is a lonely home!

2) Fill your home with fresh aromas

Let the aroma of compassion, kindness, gentleness, love, joy, patience, etc permeate through your walls. Homes need to be a haven, a place where people can feel secure to be themselves. Someone who smells these character qualities encompassing your home can’t help but hunger for more!

3) Hold a consistent family dinner hour

Make sure your family sits together at the table for dinner each night (or at least regularly) so that you can share together, laugh, and bond. It doesn’t matter what else is going on in the world if you can all connect as one family unit each day.

4) Keep your home picked up – but let it be “lived in”

It’s a great thing to be organized and to take pride in your home. In fact, your family will benefit from these traits. But it’s just as important to not let that organization run your life. If a home is so immaculate that everyone is afraid to relax, what good does that do anyone? A good reminder to help you keep your focus balanced is to think of what you would do if you opened your door to find Jesus there after He’d walked for miles on a dusty road. Would you allow Him to enter in His dirty sandals?

5) Slow down!
Fast-paced lives are the biggest thieves of family time these days. Friends are important but you need to make your family your priority not your social activities. Make time to create memories together in your home.

I want a home that has laughter, tears, quiet moments, social gatherings and more filling every corner with memories and legacies. I want my children to remember a home that was a refuge for them and somewhere that they could be themselves.
I want something “real” to be felt in my home. Don’t you?

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