5 Best Social Plugins for WordPress

Social Media is not just for brand awareness, but you can generate massive traffic from it too. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterst have fortified themselves in sending the most of the traffic to other websites. If a social media is perfectly integrated in your website then you can surely become a magnet for the social media traffic. But what exactly promotes the social profile? Besides social media executives, you need automation and in case if you’re running on WordPress, Plug-ins do that for yoou! Yes, they play a major role in encouraging visitors to share your articles and various other contents with their followers and friends.
After search engine the function of social media is considered the most reliable source for catching the attention of traffic.
If you are looking for free, however the best social plug-ins for WordPress then check out the best ones listed below:
Lockerz Share
Only one button is required to press in order to opt from more than hundred social media service. These social media services include Facebook and Google+ as well. You can either select a button from the available five or make use of a simple text link or your own image.
A box will open on your screen, when you will click the desired button. All the services that you have chosen will display on the box. The service can be viewed by scrolling down and up. It’s up to you whether you wish to add any service or delete it. -
Shareaholic is an amazing configurable Wordpress plug-in that is capable of adding exclusive bookmarks on your RSS feeds, home page, posts and category archive. The icon is half hidden when you will hover over it the full icon will appear on your screen.
The special 86 services available at Shareaholic will not disappoint you. You can add the buttons below or above, besides that you can also switch the button on or off. -
Slick Social Share Buttons
The sharing button of this fanatical plug-in is present at a fixed location on your site. On the other hand you can slide out the menu as well. Social sites like LinkedIn, Google Buzz, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Digg, Pinterest, Twitter are all supported by this particular plug-in -
Social Toolbar
If you choose Social Toolbar as your social plug-ins for Wordpress, then that toolbar can be viewed on the bottom of your website. Above the toolbar you can view your latest tweets whereas on the right side retweets and Facebook likes are countered. The horizontal list present on the left side of the page displays your social profile.
According to your choice you can modify the color scheme of the icons, background and border as well. -
Sociable the free plug-in acquired fame, due to its fantastic features; the social media sharing button is available for the RSS feeds, pages and posts and it's a must for newbie as well as pro bloggers. More than 12 social networks are supported by this plug-in and it's extremely useful. Daily Sociable is updated, from the button you can view the number of shares, likes and retweets.