50 Life-Saving Fire Safety Tips for Your Home

1. The address and Number of the House should be visible from the street.
2. Your family members including young children should know how and when to use 911.
3. You must have a fire escape plan and everyone in the house should be well conversant with it.
4. You should have at least one smoke alarm installed in every level of your house.
5. All alarms should be in working condition and tested and their batteries changed twice a year.
6. You should have a working carbon monoxide alarm.
7. You should replace all alarms that are 10 years or older than that.
8. You should store all your important documents and valuables inside a fire proof safe.
Cooking hazards:
9. Your stove, broiler and oven should be kept clean.
10. Cooking oil and any fuel should be kept away from stoves.
11. Small appliances should be kept unplugged when not in use.
12. Towels, paper napkins and other combustibles should be kept away from open flames.
13. The kitchen should not be left unattended when something is being cooked or heated.
14. You should have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
15. Children should be kept at safe distance from flames or hot surfaces when they visit the kitchen.
Electrical hazards.
16. All appliances should be checked regularly for good working condition.
17. All electrical cords should be in good condition. They should not be frayed or cracked.
18. There should not be any overloaded outlets.
19. All extension cords should be of the right size and for temporary use only.
20. The gauge of the extension cord should match that of the appliance.
21. Extension cords should not be run under rugs or over nails and hooks.
22. You should have adequate number and specification of circuit breakers and fuses for your home.
23. You should have only GFCI outlets in damp areas such as kitchen and bathrooms.
Heating hazards.
24. All vent connections and flue pipes should be connected properly.
25. All your portable heaters should have UL certification.
26. All fuels and combustibles should be kept at least 3 feet away from heaters.
27. Your heating system should be serviced regularly.
28. Your wood burning stove should be installed properly and safely.
29. If you burn hardwood then it should be stored in a safe place.
30. You should either clean or have the chimney checked and cleaned periodically..
31. Your fireplace should have a sturdy metal fire screen.
32. You should use a kerosene heater in well ventilated places.
34. Make sure that your kerosene is not contaminated with water before using it.
35. You should fill your kerosene tank outside the house as vapors may catch fire in case of sparking.
Housekeeping hazards.
36. You must clean the lint filter every time after using the dryer.
37. You must dust or vacuum your smoke alarms regularly so that dust doesn’t choke them.
38. Your yard near the house should be clear of dried leaves and debris.
39. Hallways and passageways should not be cluttered and there should be no obstructions.
40. You must put out all candles after use or when you leave the area.
38. You should have your attics, garages and yards cleaned out of rubbish.
39. Paints should be kept in tightly closed containers.
40. Hairsprays, perfumes and aerosol containers should be kept away from flames.
41. All flammable liquids should be kept in safety cans away from heat and children.
42. Ash should be emptied into only metal dustbins.
44. Children should be taught what to do in case of a fire alarm and about escape plans. They should know how to call 911 and how to give the name, street address and nature of emergency.
45. Children should be taught the dangers of playing with matches or lighters and these should be kept away from their reach, preferably locked.
46. Babysitters must be instructed about fire safety measures in the house.
Fire escape plan.
47. You should have a fire escape plan and it should be practiced regularly. Every member of the house should be well conversant with it. Everyone should know how to use fire extinguishers.
48. A meeting place outside the house should be fixed so that everybody will meet there immediately after the fire. This will help to account for all the members.
49. Every one should know how to lie low, check for hot doors, roll over when their garments catch fire and other such emergency fire procedures.
50. Finally there should be multiple exits out of rooms and the house and every one should know how to escape out of windows with the help of portable ladders if necessary.