6 Simple Tips to a Welcoming Bathroom

When having guests over, or even just living with yourself, having a nice bathroom is important. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, or really any at all to keep your bathroom a welcoming place. After all, I’m sure many people come up with their greatest ideas in the bathroom, or their best musical solos during showers.

1) Accessories
Simple toilet cover, shower curtain, and a floor mat will do the trick. Without anything in your bathroom and it will feel very bare and cold. Throwing a wet and used towel on the floor to step on will make your bathroom feel grungy.

2) Soap
Having a nice dispenser of soap is important. What a better way to leave the bathroom than by washing your hands with some nice smelling soap? It doesn’t need to smell like perfume. A gross bar of soap with hair stuck to the sink will not entice anyone to use.

3) Towels
There’s nothing more annoying than using someone’s bathroom to realize there are no towels. Or, maybe they can just use the wet towel on the floor next to your shower. (or not) A fresh, clean towel is also a very nice thing to have in your bathroom.

4) Clean it!
No one is asking you to spend hours on it. But having new life forms grow colonies in your toilet is just plain gross. Make sure the essentials are cleaned frequently such as the sink, toilet, and shower.

5) A good lock
I hate being a guest in someone else’s house, to realize their bathroom has no lock. I am confident I won’t be walked in on, but if it happens to be a gathering and party of some sort, people aren’t always going to keep track of who is in the bathroom before opening the door.

6) Toilet Paper
It’s cheap, and the most important thing. Having an extra roll sitting out somewhere is also good if you are having a lot of guests and don’t want to watch the toilet paper status of your bathroom every few hours.

There are all sorts of guides on how to make your bathroom an ocean retreat, how to accent the colors of your bathroom walls, or what kind of mirrors work best above the sink, but lets get back to the basics. Following these simple reminders will not only give you a nice bathroom, but show your guests that you care.

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