6 Women Men Can’t Stand

Women who can’t cook. It’s not just about the food. Some men want a woman that can emulate his mother. Many hear that a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. The first woman that wins his heart is his mother. The first person that feeds him is his mother. A woman that prepares his meals cures his hunger and shows that she cares about his well-being. Other men may not want to dine out every night or may not care to cook for themselves. Either way, a cooked meal is a appreciated and the inability to provide one can be a turn off.
Women who go through cell phones. Has anyone ever heard of the saying, “If you keep looking, you will find what you’re looking for”? Seeking out a cheater may become a self-fulfilling prophecy whether they are cheating or not. Anything seen by these women can be perceived as a misbehavior. Violation of privacy can harm the relationship and lead to further mistrust from both parties. Men like their privacy just as much as women do. Trust and respect are easy to lose and hard to regain when lost.
Women who are unkept. “I just had a baby last year”, “My beautician got shot”, “My nail lady got deported”, and “I don’t feel like it” are all poor excuses for a lackluster appearance. A chic well polished woman is an attractive woman. They may try to excuse their appearance, but men are visual creatures and those eyes will eventually wander.
Women with no ambition. Simply put, they have big dreams with no plans on how to make them come true. Men don’t want a woman that has been living with her mother for the past 10 years with no plans to leave a dead-end job. A man that is smart and successful will find a woman that is either on her way to becoming successful or is already there. Dreams are nothing without a game plan.
Women with a sense of entitlement. These women have an unrealistic expectation of treatment from other people. Some think men should worship them without reason. Some don’t give respect, but demand it in return. A relationship is about pleasing one another. Men want a woman, not an egotistical brat. Respect is earned, it is not a right. Entering a courtship with the “I get what I want” attitude is a turn off.
Women who need attention. Crying, instigating arguments, and the need for constant reassurance are all recognized ploys to get attention. If they feel the need to do these things to get attention from a man, it is a red flag. Men will develop super powers to get away from them. Attention seekers are perceived as selfish and are undesirable. Men respect a confident woman that does not need reassurance or validation to know that she is the strong respectable woman that she is.