Most people want luxurious long hair and will pursue all manner of cosmetic products to add an extra inch or two to their current hair. These products usually do more harm than good. Whether it is because they might actually thin out your hair or drain your pocket, these products do not always present the best solution.
But long hair can be achieved both from the inside and then to the outside, meaning that for one to have perfectly long and healthy hair, treatment starts from both the inside to the outside. Although taking care of hair can be expensive, there is good news; one can go about this process naturally for maximum improvement and at an affordable rate. Here are some natural ways to make hair longer.
Healthy Diets
In order to attain the right nutrients to speed up hair growth from the inside, one needs to eat healthily. The omega 3s are one of the best sources for nutrients for hair growths, examples are Fish, using fish oils for meals, eggs, nuts, beans etc. Fresh foods, vegetables and essential vitamins also help to stimulate hair growth. Also taking biotin supplements helps to stimulate hair growth. -
Vitamin D
Taking in vitamin D's like fruits and fruit juice helps to develop the hair for healthy growth and to have a shiny texture. Vitamin D is not only good for the hair, but for the body as it gives the hair the necessary nutrients for it to grow. -
Spicy Food
A surprising factor is Spicy foods. Eating spicy foods has been known to help fasten hair growth. We already know that spicy foods serve as appetizer to fasten our metabolism when we take in meals; they also fasten the cell production for hair growth. -
Essential Oils
Essential oils are one of the key elements for hair growth. The scalp is an absorbing ground, leaving it dry can cause damages to the hair. Naturally, applying oil helps to give it a moist environment where it would always be soft and not brittle.
The second benefits of adding essential oils to the hair, is because these ointments have natural vitamins to enhance hair growth. They help open hair follicles that might have been blocked due to dirt, wind, dandruff etc and give access to nutrients to the scalp and the hair. Essential oils like jojoba, lavender, coconut oil, rosemary, cedar wood etc can help with the hair result you desire. -
Hair Massaging
Another effective method for faster hair growth is to treat your hair to gentle massaging. This helps in opening blood vessels for blood circulation which delivers oxygen and essential nutrients to hair follicles to enable hair growth. Stress can prevent one from growing hair, if not losing them; going for hair massages will help lower stress levels to create a conducive environment for hair growth. Do this 2-3 times a week. -
Hair Mask
Hair mask are one of the fastest treatments for quicker hair growth. There are so many different kinds of hair mask treatment for hair growth that is good for the hair, here are 2 methods to help with your hair;
To do; Mix coconut oil with honey and melt in a pot, apply the mixture on the hair and keep for 30-90 minutes and rinse with natural shampoo.
Simply mix apple cider and vinegar with water and apply on hair, after about 30 minutes, take it off and wash it off. This helps to remove hair pollution and builds up your hair.
Chop onions in tiny pieces and boil it, use the juice from the onions to soak hair in it, tie a towel around and hold it for 30 minutes, if you can handle the smell, hold it on for an hour or until the next day, and wash it off with sweet smelling shampoo to remove any lingering smell. Wash vigorously, doing this twice a week or more will give you the length and glow you always wanted. -
Avoid Heat
It is important to stay away from too much heat styling your hair, for some it works, on others, definitely not. As too much heat dry the hair and cause damages, even leaving your hair under the sun for too long can damage it. It is important to reduce the styling heat method to a minimum and protect your hair by wearing scarves to retain its moist texture. -
When the hair starts to grow, it is very tempting not to cut the edges, as the edges indicates that the hair is growing. But if the hair doesn't get trimmed, the dead ends at the edges will prevent new hair to grow and damaging already placed ones, that's why when hair is combed, a lot falls off. In order to prevent this, one has to trim the hair 6-8 weeks, cutting 1/4 inch of the hair, if you don't know exactly the inch, seek professional help.
To attain a long and healthy hair, one needs to watch what they eat, exercise, go for regular hair treatment and keep hair moist at all times. Also for more advice, go to a reputable beauty parlor and ask for help too.