7 Science Fiction Writing Projects for Kids

To get your kids writing, why not tap into their enjoyment of science fiction? From appreciating Harry Potter to loving Buzz Light-year, kids gravitate towards writing based on magic, space ships, aliens, and fantasy elements. Ask them to incorporate these sci-fi themes into their own writing and you may find a fun way to help them sharpen their writing skills at home.

Some tips: To encourage kids that this isn’t homework or practice, but a fun at-home creative activity like painting or doing other crafts, don’t spend a lot of time correcting your kids grammar or spelling, just let the creative juices flow. Writing more is a key to writing better, and knowing they can write without being scrutinized is a key to getting your kids to write me.

Another way to make writing fun is to let kids use colorful markers, pens or paper for their writing projects. This can help signify that what they’re doing is something special and creative and fun. For science fiction-theme writing projects, you might try glow in the dark ink, space ship paper, or stationary from movies like Harry Potter or Star Wars or whatever you child likes.

Here are some science fiction writing prompts to help you get your child started on his or her sci-fi writing adventure!

Writing Project 1: The Time Traveling Machine

Even grade school kids who have studied the pilgrims or George Washington can appreciate the difference between the ‘olden days’ and now. Ask your child to pretend he or she has gone into a time-travel machine and ended up in the past – or perhaps, the Jetsons-like future. What do they see? Who do they meet? This is a good project for encouraging kids to compare and contrast in a creative way. Older kids can me encouraged further to create a story based in the future or the past if they like.

Writing Project 2: There’s An Alien Under The Bed!
Ask your child to consider what an alien might look like. Is it tall or shot? Friendly or angry? Ask your kids to consider the sounds and smells associated with the alien, too. They may also want to consider how it walks, where it comes from and what it wants in your house!

Writing Project 3: Your New Super Power
Some of the greatest sci-fi and fantasy stories of all time involve superheroes gaining and using “super power”. Ask your child to pick a super-power, be it speed, invisibility or super-human strength. If they like, they can choose more than one power, or give other powers to sidekicks like their little brother or a friend, real or created. Other things they may want to write about: do they wear a costume, fight crime, or just use their powers in everyday situations?

Writing Project 4: A Whole New World
Ask your child to pretend he or she has landed a spacecraft on a new planet. Let us learn about this planet from their description of what is seen, heard, smelled, and tasted there. Are there other beings living there? Does it seem like a nice place for earthlings to live? Let your child be a space explorer and create a whole new world.

Writing Project 5: The Secret Formula
Think Alice in Wonderland for this project. Ask your child to pretend he or she has been given a drink (or sandwich or cookieâÂ?¦) from a mad or silly scientist. What’s in that drink? What does it look like, taste and smell like? And if you eat or drink the scientist’s crazy concoction, what will happen to you? Older kids can be encourage to create a story based on what happens after they consume the secret formula!

Writing Project 6: The Magician’s School
What would happen if your child went to school to become the next Harry Potter? Ask your child to describe the teachers at the Magic School: what do they teach? Are they nice, or are they stern? Which is your child’s favorite teacher and why? Children can come up with a pretty big faculty for their own magical school.

Writing Project 7: The Magician’s Assistant
Ask your child to write about working for a famous wizard or wizardess. What is the Wizard like? What does he ask your child to do to assist him? Wash the floors like in Fantasia? Try out formulas to see if they work? Collect frogs for the latest potion? Older children may be encouraged to create a whole adventure for the “assistant” and his boss.

Science fiction and fantasy theme projects can really help your child’s imagination take flight. Use these fun and creativity-inspiring ideas to help your kids enjoy the writing process and realize writing isn’t just for school and homework, it can take them anywhere they want to go.

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