7 Things You Should Know Before Turning on a Space Heater

Chilly days and colder temperatures will probably have your space heater working overtime, and you may end up buying a few to keep your home, office, or apartment warm and toasty. However, space heaters are considered to be one of the most dangerous appliances available, and are a leading cause of home fires and accidents. Having a space heater in a house with kids and toddlers also requires you to take some extra precautions. If you’re considering using a space heater this winter, here are just seven things you should know before turning it on:

Space Heater Precaution #1: Make sure the automatic shutoff feature is working. Automatic shutoff means you can leave the space heater on in a room and forget about it; you don’t have to worry about the room overheating, and the heater will start to cool down on its own after the job is done.

Space Heater Precaution #2: Keep the space heater at least three feet away from anything else in the house. This includes wooden tables, walls, and even a backpack left somewhere in the room. Space heaters need lots of space to vent, and anything within three feet of one is a fire hazard.

Space Heater Precaution #3: Don’t take a nap with the space heater turned on.Medical News Today reports on the dangers of space heaters, and how sleeping with the space heater turned on can increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Space Heater Precaution #4: Watch for recall notices. Thousands of space heater buyers don’t realize that the make and model of their space heater has been recalled because of excessive fumes or manufacturer defects that were left unaddressed. Watch for consumer alerts, or simply look up your space heater make and model with a Google search for the latest updates.

Space Heater Precaution #5: Don’t use an extension cord. Space heaters should be plugged into a wall outlet on their own, and not share electricity with any other appliance in the house. This can prevent a fire and will also make it easier to keep the space heater at a safe distance from other objects in the room.

Space Heater Precaution #6: Make sure the space heater has been cleaned since its last use. Dust and debris can collect in the vents of your space heater and make it difficult for the hot air to circulate. This can create an unnecessary energy ‘backlog’ and increase the chances of a fire. Make sure the space heater has been cleaned thoroughly, especially if it was stored away in the basement or attic before the season.

Space Heater Precaution #7: Keep the birds out of the room! Your pet parrot and birds need to steer clear of space heaters as often as possible, especially since the fumes from the super-high temperatures can be deadly. Parrot Parrot, a site about taking care of pet birds describes the many hazards of space heaters and other common appliances in the home.

Space heaters do provide some necessary heat during those brisk winter days, but pose a number of health and safety risks. Take the time prepare your home and surroundings for a space heater, and make sure your appliance doesn’t become a fire hazard with these seven precautions.

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