7 Unique Ways to Use Up Old or Leftover Wallpaper

Several rooms in my house are wallpapered. Wallpaper is affordable and easy to hang, but I most like the wide variety of colors and designs it’s available in. That’s why it’s a favorite when I want to change the look of a room. If you find yourself with leftover material, like I do, after I have redecorated a room, then read this informative article and find out 7 ways to use up old or leftover wallpaper!

1. Decoupage Craft Projects
If you’re not familiar with Decoupage, it’s basically “just a fancy name for gluing paper or fabric onto various surfaces, such as wood, metal, plastic or other fabrics,” according to Content Producer Emma S. To help give you some ideas on how to use wallpaper for this craft idea, read her article “Quick Decoupage Projects You Can Do Now.”

Wallpaper may not be the paper of choice for Decoupage, but I know it can work. I made a Decoupage night stand to go along with the walls of a bedroom I had papered a few years ago. It really looked great, if I do say so.

2. Origami Craft Projects
Another unique way to use up old or leftover wallpaper is to make Origami crafts. Origami is the ancient art of folding paper to create objects. AC Content Producer Mr. C gives step-by-step directions in his article, “How to Create an Origami Iris.”

Again, wallpaper isn’t the material of choice for Origami craft projects. I used old, leftover scraps of wallpaper to make some small gift boxes, though, and they turned out fine.

3. Privacy Screens on Bathroom Windows
I can’t imagine why contractors build houses with windows in the bathrooms that allow peepers to see in. My bathroom has a clear glass window in it that would allow the world to view us in all our glory. Except for the fact that I used some wallpaper to create a privacy screen. I measured the window glass and cut out a piece of wallpaper to fit. I then wetted the pre-pasted back and stuck it to the glass, making sure to remove wrinkles and air bubbles. When I later redecorated my bathroom and needed to change the privacy screen, some vinegar mixed into hot water helped me remove the wallpaper easily.

4. Turn Wallpaper Into Border
Another unique way to use up old or leftover wallpaper is to turn it into an attractive border. Paper border is another one of my decorating favorites; it has so many uses. My friend Susan papered half way up her bathroom walls with one pattern. She then finished the upper wall using a different pattern of wallpaper in complementing colors. Susan finished the look by placing a border- a four-inch strip of different wallpaper- around the middle, covering the seam. I realize it may sound busy, but, use the right colors and patterns, and the results can be striking. Susan’s bathroom is!

5. Make Captivating Book Covers
Brown paper bags make great book covers. But if you have leftover or old wallpaper- preferably the non-pasted kind- you can successfully use that too. AC Content Producer Shawn Grover made a video “How to Make a Book Cover Out of a Brown Paper Bag.” Follow his instructions, but use a piece of wallpaper instead, and you’ll have a book cover you’ll be proud of!

6. Spruce Up Boring Waste Baskets
You can use old or leftover wallpaper to spruce up boring waste baskets too. I did this in my office. The walls are a light green paint and wallpaper combo. The hard plastic wastebaskets were a droll tan. Until I covered them, that is. Now they look like a part of the room instead of sticking out like a sore thumb.

7. Use Wallpaper for Scrapbooking
My friend Pat is an avid scrapbooker. She has to stay within a budget in order to enjoy her hobby. That’s why she uses old or leftover wallpaper as backgrounds on some of her pages. All she does is cut the paper down to size and slide it into the plastic sleeves. Pat has some beautiful backgrounds that you won’t find at a hobby store!

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