8 Ways to Improve Your MySpace Profile

Don’t write, “UmâÂ?¦ I don’t knowâÂ?¦ I’m not that interesting.” That’s not exactly a selling point on your personality! If you find yourself boring, go out there and find some hobbies. If you have hobbies that are different or unusual, don’t be afraid to list them.
You want to make yourself stand out, not blend in.
Don’t put yourself in danger!
Avoid putting information online such as your phone number, address, or information that dangerous people can use to track you and find you. There are some creepy people out there.
Always keep in mind that MySpace allows anyone to view your profile. If your friends don’t know how to get in touch with you, then send them a private e-mail or give them a call.
Include pictures
Everyone loves to see other people making a fool of themselves. Or, at the very least, having fun and doing something.
Be advised again, however, that anyone surfing MySpace can see these pictures. Avoid incriminating photos that you wouldn’t want your parents, boss, significant other, etc. to see.
List all of the schools that you have attended
One fun aspect of MySpace is that it can bring together people who have lost touch. Be sure to list all of your schools, companies, etc. so that people can search for you and find you. Who needs school reunions when you have MySpace?
Leave out the fluff
Have you ever seen those profiles that consist only of thick paragraphs saying things like “yeah, so, um, likeâÂ?¦ I like music”? I have too. Not only is it boring and difficult to search through mountains of worthless data to find the gem of a statement that makes you you, but it also makes you look like an uninteresting person.
Write less and make what you have written more interesting.
Personalize the look of your page
There are dozens of websites out there that can offer you tutorials or programs to help you change the colors and look of your page. A few are listed at the end of this article in the “Resources” section. Use these to add some spice to your otherwise dull-looking webpage.
Keep in mind, however, that some colors (such as neon yellow on top of bright blue) can be difficult and painful to read. Avoid color combinations that will later give people headaches. Stick to light-on-dark (for example, white writing on a black background) or dark-on-light (black writing on a white background).
Add music
Search MySpace Music until you find a band’s song that you especially like, and then click “Add to Profile”. When users visit your profile, that song will begin to play on their computer.
A word to the wise: sometimes people surf on computers when they should be working. Save your friend from having to write a resignation letter and avoid offensive songs with too much profanity. Don’t put anything up that you wouldn’t mind blaring out of your computer with your boss in the room.
Keep changing
Don’t stick with the same look day in and day out. Once people have seen what you have to say, they’ve seen it. Change the style, rotate pictures, and rewrite your profile every couple of months or so. People will continue to come back when there’s something new and interesting to read.