9 Tricks for Doing Things You Don’t Want to Do

Have you ever asked yourself why you don’t want to do a particular thing? Have you ever wondered why you still end up doing things you don’t like?

Is it because it is on your to-do list and you care for your commitments, or because you don’t want to disappoint somebody? Do you do those things because you get paid for them and don’t have a choice?

Regardless of why, the point here is that we all have to do things we don’t want to do at some point or another. Let’s see the different tricks people use (and you can too) in order to make it through these things.


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    Take time to prepare yourself mentally

    Instead of giving in to distractions and anxiety, sit quietly for a minute and ask yourself these questions:

    - What will this task help me accomplish?

    - Who am I reluctant to do it?

    - How can I make it easier for myself?

    For instance, if you are an editor, you might not be in the mood to go through each and every letter in an article. However, you will still have to do so if you are particular about publications that go under your name. You need to think how it benefits you – which in this case would be building a solid reputation.

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    Consider your reluctance

    Mostly the only thing preventing people from doing something is fear (apart from sheer boredom). You might be afraid of failing, awkwardness or embarrassment, and the only way past it is to understand your fear and come to terms with it.

    Failure isn’t something that should put a stop to everything. You learn from failure. Similarly, embarrassment and awkwardness can be avoided if you are confident and humble.

    Find out why you are reluctant and then counter it.

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    Take a realistic approach

    The truth is that distress, issues, complications and problems are part of everyone’s life. If you think you are the only one facing them, you are mistaken. The reality of life is that it’s never easy and needs persistence.

    Don’t give into fantasies and don’t expect things to be presented to you in a plate.

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    Don’t focus on the result too much

    While you do everything to obtain a certain result, too much focus or emphasis on the outcome will derail you from the actual action. Remember, the result depends on what you do and how you do it.

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    Take one step at a time

    A lot of people make the mistake of getting ahead of themselves. The big picture can often discourage people from taking the first step. You need to remember that everything needs to be done as it comes.

    For instance, if you look at how many books you have to study for an exam, you won’t ever be able to go through with it. The key is to remember that you need to start with one, and then worry about the next.

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    Limit Your Expectations

    We often expect too much from people and things we do. If you think working for a few months will make you rich, you might have to face disappointment. It is important to realize that this doesn’t mean working is wrong or ineffective – it only means your expectations are unrealistic.

    Your focus should be on doing things and not expecting too much. If something good comes of it, great, if not, you move on.

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    Start planning ahead of time

    Leaving tasks incomplete till the very last moment also takes a toll on you and plays a big role in your frustration and reluctance to finish it. The best thing is to start planning ahead of time and making sure you are fully prepared.

    Once you know you are ready, you’ll have a much easier time going ahead with it.

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    Be optimistic

    Optimism is one quality or trait that can get you very far in life. It allows you to see the best of every situation and prevents you from being brought down by the lows in life. Keeping your spirits high is the key to doing things you don’t want to do.

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    Appreciate your abilities

    Before you start complaining about your work or things you have to do, think about the people who can’t do any of those even if they wanted to. Think about those who aren’t as blessed as you, physically or mentally.

    Once you cherish and appreciate your abilities, you will realize that utilizing them constructively is a moral duty.

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