Emotional Friendship Email

Friends are the next best thing after family. Without them, life would have been dull and colourless. Despite the value of friendship, there are times when friends end up fighting with each other. If you are one of those people who have recently ended up in a spat with their friends and are missing them badly now, then the best thing for you to do is to apologise to them. If they are refusing to see you, not taking your calls and ignoring your text messages, send them an email to seek their forgiveness. Make the email as emotional as possible for best results.

While writing an emotional friendship email, start off by expressing your regret for doing or saying whatever it was that you did or said to hurt your friend’s feelings or offend them.

In the next paragraph, try to explain yourself. Tell them why you acted in a certain manner.

In the final paragraph, let your friend know how much you miss them and express your keenness to heal your relation with them as soon as possible.


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    Sample of an Emotional Friendship Email

    To: rogermoore@hotmail.com
    Subject: Emotional Friendship Email

    Dear Roger,

    I am extremely sorry for what I said to you yesterday. You know me since the last eight years and are well aware of my mood swings. Please understand that I did not mean a single word that came out of my mouth during our fight yesterday. I regret every single word and wish from the core of my heart that you can forgive me.

    Roger, you already know that I am going through a very tough time because of my parent’s divorce. I feel so alone and broken at the moment. My world has been torn apart and I am beginning to feel as if nobody even cares how much pain I am in right now. My mind is filling up with negative thoughts and it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to retain sanity. I know I was wrong to react to your jokes yesterday. You know I have never reacted in such a way before. I said such objectionable stuff to you in anger. Just thinking of those words and abuses is making me feel disgusted of myself.

    I hope you understand the state I am in right now. Believe me when I say that you are the last person I would have said all those things to in this world. You are my dearest friend and while I have already lost my family, I do not want to lose you. Please accept my apology and pick up my call.

    Your friend,

    Timmy Lee


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    Template of an Emotional Friendship Email

    To: [Recipient’s Email Address]
    Subject: [Subject of the email]

    Dear [Recipient’s Name],

    Please forgive me for the way I behaved and the things that I said yesterday. I am disgusted at myself for talking and acting the way that I did.

    You have known me for such a long time and have seen me lose my temper while playing FIFA 13 so many times before. You have always shown a great deal of maturity and remained silent when I used to scream and shout to show my frustration while losing. However, asking you to get out of my house just because I was trailing you by 5 goals was not only outrageous, but actually quite pathetic on my part. I have no words to tell you just how sorry I am.

    You are my best friend and I have told you this countless times already. You are the only one who is patient enough to bear my outburst. You understand me like nobody else. Even my own family does not talk to me much because they think I am a bit crazy. I do not want to lose the one person who has been there for me when everyone has deserted me.

    I promise I will never do such a disgraceful thing again. Please forgive me and give me one more chance.

    Your friend,

    [Sender’s Name]

    [Sender’s Email Address]

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