Termination of Lease Agreement

Any tenant sooner or later comes to the conclusion that it is time to change their rental unit. The landlord has the right to terminate the lease when the term of this agreement expires. The lease agreement can also be terminated ahead of schedule at the request of the tenant or landlord. However, the action should be carried out complying by the rules of the federal state.

Termination of the lease contract is issued as a separate document (usually an additional agreement). In order to safely perform termination, it is necessary to adhere to certain legal aspects.


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    The owner has the right to dispose of the property at his discretion and take any legal action, including renting it out and benefiting from this. When renting a property, a letter or a government stamp is written between the tenant and the landlord. Both parties sign the documents after setting different terms and conditions.

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    Under the law, the lessee may terminate the lease if there is non-payment of rent from the tenant more than twice in a row or in case of deterioration of land. If the landlord decides to terminate the land lease agreement with the tenant ahead of time, then he or she must notify them in written form and should give reasonable time. This period is usually written in the lease agreement.

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    The tenant also has the right to terminate the lease agreement if the land is not suitable for use by the intended purpose contradicting in the contract or if the land has certain drawbacks that are restraining the tenants to complete any given set of activities.

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    It is desirable, if you have been asked for early termination of the lease, to enter into an open-ended lease. In such a case it is sufficient to notify the landlord or the tenant's intention to terminate the contract within three months.

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    If a fixed-term contract is made with the exact date of termination of the contract, then dissolution requires a good reason. Therefore, the contract must specify all the reasons that can be behind the termination of the contract.

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    In order to achieve early termination of the contract for the rental of premises, you must submit a claim for arbitration, which shall include all of the reasons which led to this decision. Then the judge will independently determine the rationality of the termination of the contract.

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    Based on the analysis, court will give their ruling.

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    Sample of Termination of Lease Agreement

    Mr. Robert Downing,
    Subject: Termination of Lease Agreement


    I, Markus Etherington S/o Robert Etherington want to terminate your lease agreement of House# 10, Street # 4, Bayonne City, New Jersey, United States of America because you have violated the terms of conditions at the time of the initial contract. The requisite paperwork will be completed in a day or two and thus you will be notified.

    Thanks and regards.

    Markus Etherington

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