How to Prepare For an Amniocentesis

If you are planning to go through the amniocentesis process, then you should have a complete knowledge of what will happen during the treatment. Before any major procedure, everyone naturally asks for the risks involved and the pain which one will have to suffer. Same should be the case for amniocentesis and if someone says that you will not suffer during the procedure, then you rethink your options.

The fact is that you should prepare yourself well in order to bear the pain.

Things Required:

– Pain killers
– Magazine or book
– Loose clothing


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    First of all, you need to know about the reason why you are having an amniocentesis. The common reasons include finding out the gender of your child, determining abnormalities if any and checking the level of fluids available in uterus. You may also have to have an amniocentesis, if you are scheduled to deliver early, as the process will determine the development of the lungs of your child.

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    Ask the doctor about the possible risks involved, as there is a risk of miscarriage, depending on the pregnancy stage you are in. Apart from that, the risk of infection will always remain there, even if the doctors take maximum precautions to prevent it.

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    Before going through the procedure, you may want to take pain killers. Here, you should consider taking Tylenol, as this will not have any effect on your unborn child.

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    If you are afraid of needles and want to distract yourself, grab a magazine or book to read during the procedure. Distraction may lessen your fear and without it, the pain may be less.

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    On the day of your appointment, be sure to wear loose clothing. The doctors will be using an ultrasound to guide the needle and loose clothing will make it easier and more comfortable for you.

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    If at any time during the procedure, you have a question, ask it. The doctors and ultrasound technicians are there to answer your questions. If your pain is higher than you had expected, let them know and try to distract yourself some more.

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    Finally, try not to stress too much. Stress increases pain and is unhealthy for your child. Of course, this is much easier to say, but as long as you understand why you are having an amniocentesis and the risks involved, you are prepared.

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