Home Alarm Systems

There are a variety of home alarm systems on the market today and it is important for consumers to realize the differences among them. The primary factors in purchasing a home alarm system are price, reliability, and monitoring services. There are two companies that offer top of the line home alarm systems at reasonable rates: ADT and Brinks Home Security. ADT’s name is fairly common in television and internet advertising while Brinks is a name that is seen on a daily basis for bank personnel and others involved in finance.

ADT is one of the premier home alarm and security companies in the United States, with over 5 million homes and 90% of Fortune 500 businesses utilizing their alarm systems. The reason why their home alarm systems are so popular is that ADT makes such systems affordable. ADT offers money back on installation and monitoring fees if customers are not happy with their service after six months, as well as offering relocation discounts, insurance deductible payments if homes are burglarized, and a discount on homeowner’s insurance. As well, their 24 hour a day, 7 day a week service is a critical part of their success in the industry and is part of why millions swear by ADT home alarm systems.

However, Brinks Home Security is also a heavy hitter in the home alarm system industry. Brinks, which many people are familiar with as an armored car and financial security company, offers affordable home alarm system options. For only $99 plus $28.50 per month in monitoring costs, a family can purchase a Brinks Home Security alarm system that includes two window and door sensors, a standard key pad, and a motion detector. The premium package is only around $200 with the same monitoring costs and adds on a few more sensors and motion detectors. As well, customers receive the Brinks brand name which is synonymous with high security and excellent service.

ADT and Brinks offer two of the highest quality home alarm system products on the market today. In comparing the two, they each offer distinct advantages and the prices are about the same. It is important for consumers to look at each website, as well as Consumer Reports studies of the systems and most importantly discuss home alarm systems with friends and family. The security of home and family is nothing to rush into and making an informed decision is important.

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