Household Cleaning Tips

I admit that I am not the best housekeeper. I actually detest household chores. A clean house though is a necessary when you have children. A clean environment is a healthier environment. I have found that if you do some cleaning every day and not let it pile up, your chores are likely to be easier because they will be manageable. There are some cleaning tips that I have learned throughout the years that may lessen your cleaning load and even make cleaning your house easier.

Some of these tips were passed on to me by my mom, who learned them from her mom, and some I learned from books or magazines, and some I discovered quite by accident as I went about cleaning my home.

The best way to make your household cleaning easier is to stay organized. It helps to have a cleaning chart, sort of a road map to keeping your home clean. My suggestion would be to print out this article and use it as a map to keep you organized.

Organize your cleaning supplies into a easy to hold basket that has a handle. The supplies you keep in this basket should be the cleaning supplies you use most often. I use Avon Bubble Bath a lot in my cleaning so that is in my basket, along with white vinegar, some dusting cloths, paper towels and a glass cleaner. I carry this basket around with me from room to room on Saturdays when I do my major cleaning.

Choose 3 days a week to do the main chores and then do light pick the other days of the week. I never clean on Sundays. Having days off during the week gives you a break from cleaning. I clean on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I make it a habit that when I walk through a room I pick up anything that is out of place and put it where it belongs. My daughters are always leaving jackets on chairs, toys on the computer desk, and shoes on the living room floor. If they are around I ask them to pick up their things, but if they are not around, then I pick these items up myself because it is easier to pick things up, then to remember to ask them to pick them up and besides, I am one of those people who just can not stand things being out of place.

Another good idea is to have chores organized by how often they should be done. Here is a basic map of chores and how often they should be done to make housework easier. One person should not have to do all the chores, so I suggest that all family members take responsibility to share the chore map. Even the youngest can do simple things like put toys away or dust.

Household Chore Frequency Map

Dishes should be washed, dried and put away, after each meal. Counter and stove should be wiped, after each meal preparation. I use Lysol wipes to disinfect as well as clean. Don’t forget to go through each room and pick up items that are out of place and put them where they belong. Vacuum all carpeted areas and sweep all hard surface floors. Empty kitchen wastebasket and put a clean bag in it.


Dust all furniture surfaces, and shelves. Clean under furniture and behind it too. Wash the kitchen and bathroom floors. Empty the bathroom wastebasket and any bedroom wastebaskets. Wash bathroom sink, faucets and any light fixtures. I use Lysol wipes to wash all doorknobs, and the phone. Wipe down all picture frames, and any woodwork surfaces. Polish any wood furniture. Wipe down the refrigerator outside surface and cabinet door surfaces. Polish any metal surfaces. Wash any blinds that you have. Wipe window sills.


Brush or wash curtains and drapes. Wipe walls and corners of rooms. Wash windows. Turn over bed mattresses if possible to equalize wear. Clean or replace any air filters and clean air conditioner filter during hot weather according to manufacturer directions. Check batteries in smoke detectors.

Every Season Change

Take inventory of items in closets and drawers that are not being used and store in appropriate place. Make donations of items that are no longer used by family members. Dust coils under or behind refrigerator. Wash mattress covers. Late spring or early fall have the furnace checked, cleaned and tuned. Central air systems or air conditioners should be checked for proper operation prior to onset of hot weather. Check all gardening equipment in late winter, making sure everything is cleaned, oiled or greased. Lawn mower blades should be sharpened. Snow removal equipment should be checked in late fall. Shampoo carpets and rugs every 6 to 12 months.

I hope this map is of some assistance and that it will help make your household cleaning chores easier by keeping chores organized. Believe me housework can get piled up if you let them get out of hand. Doing them regularly and not letting them pile up is the best for the health of your family and for your sanity. If at times things do tend to get piled up, do not let it get you down. Housework is never-ending tasks that can make you want to put them off. One way I have found to make them a little bit enjoyable is to play music while you do them. It also helps to do household chores with someone. Chatting as you work makes the chores more bearable. A clean uncluttered house makes everyone feel better about living in the home. Do little things to cheer everyone up like putting flowers in vases and setting them on tables or counters. Room freshener or a scented candle placed in a safe place in a room can also make a room pleasant to be in. Remember to paint indoors to give some life to your rooms. A fresh coat of paint does wonders to the rooms in your home. I hope these household cleaning tips are helpful.

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