DIY Thanksgiving Crafts: Place Cards

Thanksgiving is almost here. There are so many enjoyable DIY Thanksgiving crafts that you can make to make your Thanksgiving holiday a special one. One Thanksgiving craft that you can easily make yourself to wow your guests at your dinner Thanksgiving table is to make unique place cards. Each person gets a special place card at the dinner table telling them where to sit for the holiday Thanksgiving meal. Here is an in-depth guide on how to make different Thanksgiving place cards.

Pumpkins and Gourds

Materials needed:

  • 1. Various small mini pumpkins and gourds (one for each guest)
  • 2. Pretty Fall ribbon
  • 3. Tag paper
  • 4. A whole puncher
  • 5. Gel pens or markers
  • 6. Scissors


  • 1. Take your scissors, and cut the tag paper into the shapes and sizes that you would prefer your place card to be.
  • 2. Put a whole at the top of your place card with your whole puncher. Make sure not to put a whole to close to the edge of your tag paper, or it can rip easily.
  • 3. Write your guests names on each piece of tag paper with your gel pens or marker. Use the same color on each tag paper, or use different colors for each guest. Use one tag paper per guest.
  • 4. Use your scissors to cut your pretty fall ribbon. You will want to cut a piece of ribbon per tag paper. Cut each ribbon piece about 8 inches.
  • 5. Take your small mini pumpkins and gourds, and stand them up so the stems are facing up. Take your ribbon, and put it through the tag paper. Tie them onto the stems making sure the name of your guests on the tag paper faces outwards. Make a pretty bow.
  • 6. Mix and match your small mini pumpkins and gourds around the table for holiday place card settings. Enjoy!

Glass Votives

Materials needed:

  • 1. Glass Votives
  • 2. Plastic tea lights (white lights or colored ones)
  • 3. Twine
  • 4. A whole puncher
  • 5. Tag paper
  • 6. Gel pens or markers
  • 7. Scissors


  • 1. Cut one piece of tag paper per guest. Cut it small.
  • 2. Write name of guest per tag paper with gel pens or markers.
  • 3. Use the whole puncher to put a whole at the top of the tag paper.
  • 4. Cut twine into enough pieces that you have one for each guest. Make sure your twine is long enough to cover the middle of your glass votive, and also allows room to make a bow.
  • 5. Take your twine, and put it through the tag paper. Put glass votive on its side. Tie the twine, and tie it around the middle of the glass votive. Pull the tag paper down so it faces downwards, and the name of the guest is clearly visible. Tie a pretty bow.
  • 6. Stand the glass votive back up. Place a plastic tea light in it. Make sure there is a plastic tea light for each glass votive that you use. Right before serving your guests, put the tea lights on so it makes your table glow with pretty plastic tea lights. Enjoy!

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