Three Easy Homemade Cleaning Wipes for the Bathroom

Cleaning wipes are incredibly convenient, especially in the bathroom. The counter top, toilet tank, bowl, bathtub and even the floor can be wiped clean in a matter of minutes. Since they ultimately end up in the trash, they are wasteful and costly. Make them yourself instead of buying overpriced cloths using these three easy options. Some are washable while others are disposable. Either way, homemade wet wipes work just as well and smell just as good as those sold in stores.

Start with Decorative Wipe Containers

Conscientious people who practice green living do not throw empty containers away. Those that are not recycled are reused, and cylindrical wipe containers are no exception to the unwritten rule. They have a number of fantastic uses, and they are ideal for holding homemade cleaning wipes.

Instead of advertising the brand, remove or cover the label with peel-and-stick shelf liner. Paper or fabric can be used, but it is not nearly as practical. The shelf liner can be wiped clean, and it will hold up to everything from natural cleaning liquids to grimy hands. Instead of taking up valuable cabinet space, the containers can become part of the bathroom decorating scheme.

Disposable Lemon-Scented Cleaning Wipes

It is possible to cut a roll of paper toweling in half with a serrated knife. Use shop towels if you want super durable homemade cleaning wipes. Otherwise, use strong kitchen towels. After the roll has been cut in half and the cardboard tube has been removed, place it inside of a large plastic wipe container. If necessary, remove several sheets to reduce the diameter of the roll. Save them for other household jobs.

To make the cleaning liquid, combine two cups of distilled water with �¼ cup of lemon-scented disinfecting cleaner. Pour the mixture into the container. Pull the first sheet up from the center of the roll and through the slotted lid. Snap it back into place, and turn the container upside down for several minutes before turning it back over for several minutes more. After the paper absorbs all of the liquid, your homemade bathroom cleaning wipes will be ready to use.

Reusable Flannel Cloths for Bathroom Touch Ups

If you have an old flannel shirt that is too worn to wear, save the buttons for sewing or craft projects, and use the material for washable homemade cleaning wipes. Use the aforementioned recipe for cleaning liquid, but pour it into a rectangular plastic tub instead of a cylindrical container. Fold equal size pieces of flannel, and place them in the liquid. Turn the stack over after several minutes. They will absorb almost all of the liquid. Squeeze out excess cleaning solution when necessary, and use the wipes for cleaning sealed bathroom surfaces. They can be washed and reused again and again, and they will save you a small fortune over ready-made brands.

Source: Green Living Experience

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