Etiquette for Italy Visitors

It’s important to have all the proper documents when traveling to a foreign country and Italy is no different. Make sure all paperwork is done so that business matters will go smoothly. Different papers are needed depending upon whether or not you will be working or just visiting. Official documents must be carried with you at all times during your stay. Make sure you understand the requirements before proceeding with your planned visit.

Failure to perform even the simplest required tasks, such as turning your lights on while driving any major road, can result in problems and fines. It’s always a wise idea to study up on customs in pertinent areas such as driving, dining, hiring services, and other standard daily practices to save yourself trouble and embarrassment.

It’s difficult for many Italians to do business with strangers so it’s very important to have a go-between who can make the proper introductions. This person may arrange a dinner engagement where you can all meet, therefore preventing you from being a stranger the next time you meet. Punctuality is not a major priority within the area, but as an outsider, you will appear more refined if you are on time. Prepare to be kept waiting, though, since this can be a form of standard practice in business arenas.

Most businesses are open from eight-thirty a.m. to twelve-thirty p.m., then reopen from three- thirty to six-thirty p.m. Some business stay open all day with only an hour or so for lunch. Saturday business is the norm for many companies, but only in the mornings. The regular business hours can vary depending upon the region so it’s a good idea to know ahead of time the hours of each particular establishment with which you will be dealing. Many businesses close during the entire month of August for vacation. When expecting correspondence be prepared to wait until September. Check online resources for holidays in Italy before planning your trip.

Great emphasis is placed on the manner of dress during a business meeting. Dress semi-formal in social or business settings. Shoes and clothing should be immaculate – without scuffs or tears. Dark suits are the norm, usually worn with expensive and elaborate ties. Golden cuff links, expensive watches and elegant tie-tacks are the norm. Women should dress as stylishly as possible with expensive accessories. Make up and jewelry are worn heavily in business or social settings. Perfumes and heavy colognes are perfectly acceptable along with bare legs, for women, in the summer. If asked to dress informally, dress extremely well, but not formal. Dresses and suits are considered casual dress. Do not wear shorts in public or sleeveless numbers in church settings.

Steer clear of conversations which include religion, politics or the Mafia. Questions about one’s family or business is taboo when you’ve just met. If the locals are criticizing government or culture keep out of it. Even snickering or smiling is seen as rude, since you have no right to comment on such things unless you are a native.

Use only titles and surnames unless you’ve been invited to use first names, which is rare. In business or formal settings, go back to titles and surnames. Use “Signore” for “Mr.” and “Signora” for “Mrs.” along with the surname but use specific titles, such as “Dr.” when known.

Don’t offer a gift, in a business setting, until one has been given to you. In social settings you are expected to bring a gift when first invited to an associate’s home. Chocolates or flowers are almost always good gifts but make sure they are gift wrapped. Chrysanthemums are reserved for funerals, roses for lovers. It’s not enough to just gift a gift. It’s customary to explain a little something about the gift and why you chose this particular gift. Avoid gifts of handkerchiefs which are associated with funerals, gifts wrapped in black and gold – reserved for funerals, or any sharp object, such as a knife set, which indicates the severing of the relationship.

Have business documents printed in English and Italian, including business cards. Italians are not likely to tell you that they don’t understand what you’re saying but would more likely nod in agreement instead. It’s preferable, for most Italian businessmen, to have dealings with the top guy on the totem pole rather than a junior member of the organization.

How you present everything, including yourself, is of utmost importance. Sloppy and disorganized paperwork or clothing will probably ruin the deal since this culture concentrates heavily on appearances. Animated conversations are acceptable and Italians are known for speaking loudly and interrupting frequently. Sealing the deal will not happen overnight but will take months to finalize. And, it’s not uncommon for Italians to make their decision based on whether or not they like you.

If invited to a business or social dinner it’s a must to accept. To decline is rude except in extreme circumstances, such as serious illness. Lunch is normally the big meal of the day and is served with wine. Sip wine and don’t drink too much – to do so will make you appear weak and uncontrolled. Do not raise your hands of fingers to call a waiter or waitress. This is rude and unacceptable. Leaving the table during dinner, for any reason, is completely unacceptable. Keep hands above the table even when finished eating. To indicate to the server that you are done place fork and knife on the right side of the plate. You’ll have to insist repeatedly that you do not want more food when you are full. “No” is not taken to mean “no” in many cases, and the cook or server may continue to offer you more.

If your Italian associate has met you several times it’s not uncommon for him to hug you. Do not pull away or act offended. Certain unconscious movements, such as placing your hand on your stomach, will be seen as an indication of repulsion, usually for another person. Do not point with the index finger and pinky finger at the same time. Learn even more about this culture before visiting by reading online or at the public library.

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