Technological Creativity

Since computers are so important in just about every aspect of our lives now, it seems you have to have a computer to even be artistic these days. If you enjoy art and are good with computers, you may want to consider a career in digital art. You can work for a number of companies, and even start your own business.

Digital art has to do with the process of formatting pictures, colors, and movements on the computer for use in software programs, company logos, and a host of other purposes. If you like to sketch or draw, and/or if you like to figure things out on the computer, a career in digital forms of art may be suitable for you. Here are some resources you can refer to online before you make any major decisions, or if you’re just curious to know more about digital forms of art:
This is a digital art resource site that will link you to artists and other organizations that specialize in graphics and digital forms of art. You can view pictures, billboards, and concepts by artists via the website to get ideas, contact information, and instruction on how to build certain images. Some of the artists on the site include Adrianne Wortzel, who has a website called TeleRobotics, where you can view all of her work, contact her for information on how to be an artist, submit your work, and obtain a schedule of digital displays and exhibits in certain areas. Ms. Wortzel is an experienced artist with displays in Alaska, Australia, Brandenburg, Germany, and the Whitney Museum of Art. You can also visit companies that produce digital forms of art, such as Chaotic Software. This company offers software that will enable you to make small web movies, interactive advertisements, high definition photos, and 3-D graphics. If you want to visit the artists or companies available on the site, simply go to the website and click on the link of a company or artist name.
This site is for artists who are ready to show their work to the world and sell them in the form of posters, greeting cards, and business cards. You’ll find digital art to suit almost anything you’re interested in, from abstract art, to pets, and even inspirational messages. The name of the artist and a link to get in contact with each artist is listed under each piece of artwork, so if you see something you like, you can contact the artist to purchase the artwork, as well as get tips on how to get your work posted. There’s a daily artwork feature, so new artists have their work posted daily, and there’s even info on how to properly market your work and create your own product. Visit the website for more details.

The Academy of Art University
This is an arts school, where you can earn a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Portfolio Management, Animation, Game Design, 3D modeling, and New Media. The procedures for enrollment work much like a regular college, and there is excellent job placement after you graduate. The Academy, based in San Francisco, Calif., also has a school of computer arts, and a number of graduates go on to pursue careers with very prominent companies, such as Microsoft, Disney, and Pixar. If you’re interested in learning more about how to enroll in the Academy, you can contact them at, or you can call them at 1-800-544-ARTS.

Hopefully these tips will help to answer questions you may have about the exciting field of digital forms of art. There are more chances than ever before for you to be successful should you choose to work for a digital arts company or even start your own business, so don’t waste any time getting started. Get in touch with the corporations listed above for information on how you can be the next artist of the digital age.

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