Italy’s Fruit-Flavored Gelati

Gelato. That’s one of the best things about taking a trip to Italy. You get to sample in person genuine Italian gelato. Every city and town-no matter no how big or small it is-has at least one gelateria (ice cream shop). North or south, east or west, in Italy you go to a gelateria for the best ice cream.

What’s more, in the summertime, there are even more flavors to choose from. That’s right, summer sees the arrival of the many fruit-flavored ice creams. These are flavors rarely found in places outside of Italy. And are they ever delicious! You can’t beat them for mouth-watering delicious treats!

Try, for example, melone. If you love cantaloupe, then this is the flavor for you. Not only does it have the rich, orange-colored look of a ripe cantaloupe, it takes just like one. No kidding.

But, that’s nothing. If watermelon is your favorite, then you’ll definitely have to try cocomero. Never heard of watermelon ice cream before? Well, it exists. I kid you not. And any worthwhile gelateria in Italy has it on sale during the summer months. You close your eyes as you bite into it, and you swear you’re tasting a ripe watermelon, in all its lusciousness.

Of course, almost every berry has its ice cream equivalent. Beginning with the traditional favorite fragola (strawberry), you can move on to mirtillo (blueberry) or lampone (raspberry).

Yes, you can find flavors for fruit standbys such as apple (mela), pear (pera), orange (arancio), and banana (banana).

Once you’re in Italy, sample as many of these gelati as you can. Very probably your visits to gelateria will be one of the best parts of your trip.

Buon viaggio!

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