Prepaid Legal: The Next Boom

In the last twenty years or so we have seen several booms in technology and the economy. Health insurance, cell phones, and wireless computers- all of these were trends which slowly trickled into society and then, BOOM. Things which were once considered anomalies are now staples of life. Just why this is is an open question, but there are signs which point towards what will become the next perfect, economic and social storm My prediction for the next great American storm is prepaid legal services.

Why Prepaid?

First of all, we should answer the question with another question- why health insurance or cell phones? In a word- Europe. Europe has been the traditional testing ground for new services and ground breaking products. Europe was the first society to introduce health insurance years ago. Europe was the first to introduce cell phones. Both were tested and eventually saturated the markets. America waited, watched, and followed suit. Now health insurance and cell phones are practically taken for granted by a majority. Prepaid legal is now used by eighty percent of the population in Europe.

The Two Percent Factor

Economists have come up with a kind of economic paradigm. Whenever company or a business reaches two percent market penetration(of the United States). this means this business or company is poised for explosive growth. Prepaid legal is at such a critical moment in their history. Add to this, the fact that that Europe has been a dependable indicator of things to come and you have a recipe for success…

Litigation: The American Way

Everyone knows that lawsuits are a way of life in America. Every year, tens of millions of lawsuits are filed. We have the greatest number of lawyers and the numbers only increase as time goes by. Given the staggering number of legal cases that occur each year. It’s a wonder why prepaid legal services has not hit the ceiling any sooner. But you also may be thinking, ‘I don’t need a lawyer.” Think again there are many reasons you want to have a lawyer.

Preventive medicine

There are lots of reasons to have a lawyer on call when you need him or her. First, obviously, is when a lawsuit is involved. In this case, it would be foolish to have to pay hundreds of dollars per hour for a case that you may or may not lose. Having the insurance of legal assistance makes much more financial success. Secondly, you need a lawyer for the smaller issues- bills, contracts, and product complaint. Any transaction between two parties is considered a legal one. If you have been overcharged or under services or mistreated, legal representation is by far the most effective means of getting justice, financial and otherwise.

Ways Lawyers Can Help

Prepaid legal services have top quality attorneys on hand to provide legal counsel within twenty four hours of initial contact. Prepaid lawyers can write official letters on your behalf. The mere fact that you have lawyers on your side writing letters sends a very powerful statement. Prepaid lawyers will represent you, in court, for a certain number of hours. Most importantly, prepaid lawyers can write the ever important will. The Terry Schiavo case has made it more clear now the necessity of having a living will.

24 hours

There are many cases of criminal profiling by the police. Many times these cases are unfair and end up with mistreatment, humiliation, or even jail time. With a prepaid lawyer, you can call up your lawyer while you are being harassed, literally. Most policemen appreciate the power of prepaid legal services as many are members themselves.

Individual Accountability

Unfortunately, the cost of legal representation is out of the reach of many. It is our duty as citizens to protect ourselves legally and affordably, if possible. Prepaid legal services makes the legal system possible for all, the true American way.

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