Things are moving forward and new and advanced procedures are being developed for those who originally could not receive the standard Lasik procedure. Dr. Khanna has introduced a brand new procedure called “Super Lasik” a new, safer and more stable procedure that has now been created for those who have thin or abnormal corneas. What is great about this new procedure is the effects are more precise and long term. This procedure is a culmination of the merger of benefits of both PRK and LASIK. To accomplish this cutting edge surgery, Dr Khanna uses a new FDA approved instrument called a Epikeratome. This instrument raises an approximately 50 micron flap (thinner than even an Intralase). Laser surface ablation using the latest generation of LASERS is than done. Like in LASIK the flap is riposted back. A bandage lens is than placed over the eye. This is a safer method of visual correction. There is no distortion of the architecture of the cornea. So if the cornea has a young’s modulus which is low, or is thin or asymmetric this method is safer.

Young’s modulus= stress/strain
Anyone over the age of eighteen can benefit from corrective vision surgery. The investment pays for itself. What’s really exciting is that Superlasik can even be done on patients who have thin corneas and were not candidates for LASIK. Its also safer since minimal trauma is done to the cornea.

Patients leave with a new completeness and clarity with life because really, how we see things affects our total outlook on life. We have been impressed by the quick recovery following this new procedure. It has even been better than we anticipated. Most of our patients are able to drive the next day and some even return to work. People leave feeling rejuvenated and young, and in reality who wouldn’t want that?

What has been exciting is that this technology is even safer than Intralase or the all laser LASIK. The flap is more consistent and thinner than what the Intralase can fashion.

Can a Rose have no thorns? Superlasik may not be a panacea for all. If a patient has keratoconus or Pellucid marginal degeneration or other corneal disease than this procedure is not for them. Immunological disease and cataracts may also preclude people.

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