How to Become a Tech-Savvy Woman That Men Will Adore

I’ve come to the conclusion that men love tech-savvy gals. It may come from that place in their heart where they really don’t want to set up that new stereo system.

Recently I called Dell. Now for anyone that owns a Dell you know this is not out of the ordinary. What is though, was the fact that I talked to someone who spoke English very well. After giving him all my pertinent information, including my email address he asked, “you have your own website?” I really don’t know why this was a big surprise to him. I mean yes, I’m a girl but come on it’s the 21 century right? Doesn’t everyone have at least one website? (I’m not going to tell on myself with how many I have) Anyways we go on talking about my problem, (as he is checking out my website on the side) trying to fix my computer. Now I work with computers everyday so I know my way around the hardware/software. Somewhere along the conversation I mention that it’s good I called so next time I won’t have too. Letting him know that I am tech-savvy. Well now it’s on, personal questions ensue and love over the tech line develops over a thirty minute call session. The funny thing is this is not the first time that this has happened to me. I don’t know if it’s my voice or the fact that I actually know what I’m talking about but dorks/men fall in love with me over talk of tech.

For women everywhere, beef up on your tech talk. It doesn’t matter if you can’t lift anything (or just don’t want to) tech talk is sexy. You don’t need to know everything tech but you do need to know a few basics.

Basics you need to know:

Hooking up a stereo:
On most things there are owners manuals that you can follow. For things w/o an owners manual it’s simple, follow the colors. Red to red, white to white, yellow to yellow is the standard for any DVD to T.V. (Unless you have a fandangled HDTV then it just fit the plug that fits into the other plug that fits) On Audio, i.e. component to receiver, you need to take the component’s (CD player) audio out to the receiver’s audio in. Usually there is a spot in the back that says CD audio in. Really you can just put it anywhere (except for the phono spot that’s reserved for a record player with a ground wire) If you really want to blow your boytoy/husband’s mind hook your iPod up to your sound system. It’s simple, go to Radio Shack and pick up a headphone jack to stereo phono adapter (1/8th inch stereo jack to stereo female phono plugs) as well as a standard set of Audio RCA cables. (male phono to male phono) They’ll try to talk you into getting the gold plated ones, don’t let them silver will be fine. When your at home go ahead and hook the adapter to the headphone spot on your iPod. Next take your RCA cables and plug them into the corresponding spots on the adapter. Find an open input on the back of the receiver and connect the red to red and white to white. It’s as easy as that. Your mantoy will think your as tech-savvy as he is, maybe even more so.

For inserting a picture type:
For inserting a website link type: what your link is called

There wasn’t that easy? Now for a bit more.

Bolding/italicizing/underlining in html

Bolding what you want bolded
Italicizing what you want italicized
Underlining what you want underlined

This will start you on your way to a new tech-savvy sexy. You know what they say, ‘if you want to marry a doctor hang around doctor offices.’ Well have you seen some of these tech-savvy men? Some of them are a special breed of sexy. If you want to talk to them but have no idea what to say, study up. They find women who talk tech approachable . And as for men as a whole, the less they have to do the better. They’ll help you with your car if they know you could hook up a stereo without their

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