Golfing in Florida: Pack Sunscreen, A Golf Hat and Your Golf Clubs

Golfing remains a popular pastime and, down in Florida, it’s no exception. Despite threats such as mosquitoes, dehydration, lightning and sunstroke, thousands still flock to the greens, every year. So what are the tricks of the trade? How do you avoid the hazards and have fun, while still playing it safe?

There are several essentials that the golfer should consider, prior to even getting in the car to go golfing. The first of those is one’s attire; sunstroke is a common problem down in Florida, especially if you choose to take advantage of the summer discounts and golf during the off season. Starting at the top of your head, the first essential on any golfer’s list should be a good hat.

Now, please realize that the term ‘good hat’ does not necessarily mean stylish or en vogue hat. Those trendy little baseball styled hats or the cutesy plastic poker visors aren’t going to cut it. Sure, they will keep the sun out of your eyes, but they won’t stop it from beating down on your head.

The best golfing hats are made of straw or twisted sea grass, allowing air to circulate and cool, while shielding your head from the sun. Generous brims are also helpful, as they not only protect your head, but offer some cooling shade to your face and neck, helping to prevent sunburn.

Speaking of sunburn, you will also want to make sure that you bring a generous amount of sunscreen with you. Ideally, considering that you are out there to play golf, not work on your tan, and that you will most likely be out there during the heat of the day, you will want to ensure that you use SPF-30 or higher. This is especially important if you’re fair-skinned. Far too many people are lulled into a false sense of security by a cloudy sky; never forget your sunscreen!

While you may think they’re there to help you look chic, it’s also important to take along a good pair of sunglasses. Ensure that your sexy shades will protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and that they fit comfortably. Wraparound-styled shades are best, as they close out the sun in all directions and often seem to hug the face better, with less slippage.

Dehydration is another common problem that faces Florida golfers. The sun and humidity can be ruthless, quickly depleting the body of precious fluids. It’s always important to keep water available for yourself. True, most golf clubs do have water coolers and refreshment stands throughout the course, but one should not rely solely upon these as your only source of liquids. Be sure to pack a large water bottle with you and fill it up, in addition to your regular drink, each time that you stop. Another good rule of thumb is that, tempting as it may seem, stay away from the alcohol while you’re out golfing. While an ice cold beer may sound inviting, it actually does more harm than good and alcohol can dehydrate the body.

Also, in anticipation of sweating your way from hole to hole, you should make sure that you bring some clean towels with you, aside from the one that you use to wipe off your clubs. The sting of having sweat drip down into one’s eyes is a pain that’s not soon forgotten. If you use gloves, you may want to ensure you have a couple extras as well; this allows you to change to a dry one and let the nasty, slimy, sweaty one dry out as you go.

And finally, in your list of golfing essentials, it’s very important to ensure that you have a good mosquito repellant. With the threat of West Nile Virus and other insect-carried diseases, one will want to keep these blood-thirsty scoundrels at bay. Repel mosquito wipes, available in the camping section of many stores, offers a good repellant at a great price. You’ll definitely want to ensure that, whatever repellant you use, you bring it with you; some only work for a short amount of time while others will need to be reapplied if you are sweating.

Ensuring that you’ve packed the essentials will help to improve your game by keeping you safe. While they may not help you get a hole in one, they will definitely keep you happier and healthier, allowing you to enjoy your afternoon on the greens. Have fun!

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