Got Junk? Give New Life With Fall Cleaning

While many people choose to take on the task of spring cleaning around their home once winter has faded away, there are those of us who prefer to fulfill a similar task before winter arrives. In fact, fall is an ideal time for focusing attention on cleaning up the outside clutter around your home. This task can often stir up mixed feelings in some people as they are unsure of what to do with all of the built-up junk that has been sitting around the yard. Of course, you have the option of simply throwing it away, but this isn’t always necessary. Immeasurable potential can be found in nearly any object, no matter how unlikely the item may appear to be. All that is required is some imagination and a bit of effort.

Ever noticed how many people seem to spend a lot of money on simple artistic sculptures for adding interest in their lawns and gardens? Did you know that you can actually create lovely, one-of-a-kind garden sculptures and other amazing objects out of seemingly useless items? Old pieces of junk can be pulled apart and reassembled into creative sculptures, gates, planters, and other garden accents. Some items you find might simply be in need of a little sprucing up with paint.

Scrap metal can be found nearly anywhere and consists of almost anything. Various types of metal objects, from copper, aluminum, and sheet metal to odd-sized pieces such as bolts, faucets, and even tools can provide hidden promise. Do you have old metal chairs, bicycles, or bed frames lying around? Put them to use as sculptures, gates, or fences. Incorporate those outdated, rusted lawn rollers, mowers, wheelbarrows, and tools into state-of-the-art showpieces. Transform aluminum pails and tubs or tire rims into useful containers for plants.

Tubs, barrels and tires can be utilized as small ponds as well. With a little imagination, an old rake or pitchfork can quickly become an insect. Don’t throw out those post-hole diggers and shovels. Alligators, fish, frogs, and other perplexing creatures can be made from these objects. Scatter them throughout the landscape for interesting lawn ornaments. Sheet metal has great flexibility; you can form silhouettes and signs from it. Wind chimes or stakes are other possibilities. Collect bottles or shells? These can make attention-grabbing edgings for borders, walkways, or flower beds. Bottles can also be used as wind-resistant candle holders for the patio.

Want to freshen up the interior of your home? Look in the garage, attic, or shed. Add some paint to that old, wooden furniture and create a charming new look. Transform those old tables, dressers, and cabinets with decoupage or stencils. Keep the unused dinner plates and use them as mosaic tiles for dressing up table tops or clay pots. Renovate lamps, frames, and other glass or ceramic items by gilding them with some gold or aluminum metal leaf. Tired of that closet full of worn-out sheets? Use them in place of expensive curtains along with matching pillows. For those items you just can’t seem to part with, try using them as unique focal points in a shadow box. Anything goes; you could utilize clothes, figurines, documents, toys, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Using scrap metal and other materials to rebuild or create new objects is a great way to recycle everyday items, and you don’t need to be a well-trained professional to craft these potential trinkets into unique pieces. Spring is a time for new beginnings, but fall can be a time for rejuvenation as well. So go ahead and sift through that piled up rubbish and give your old junk new life.

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