Three Interesting Hardware Stores in North Raleigh

Raleigh is an easy place to find hardware being offered by a wide range of enterprises.

Department stores, pharmacies, gift stores and dollar stores all offer some hardware. The larger box stores often offer the hardware only in larger units. (50 or 100) The smaller stores offer limited selections of smaller units primarily for small household repair. (picture hanging, glues, small screws)

There are stores that have that special flavor that the handyman or handywoman of the house prefers. They either specialize in an area of interest or they have a wide, eclectic variety not matched by the box stores.

Brigg’s Hardware on the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Six Forks Road is one of the most interesting hardware stores you will find anywhere. It is large for an independent hardware store, yet small enough that it doesn’t feel like the huge national retailers. Parking near the store is easy, you just park right in front of the store.

The location makes the store easy to access whether you live in North Raleigh or else where in the city. It is just a short drive from in-town and a block from the intersection of 440 (the Beltline) and Wake Forest Avenue.

The store is owned by a former city councilman, Mark Scruggs. As a result of his political affiliation, the parking lot has been the sight of a few political rallies. Political affiliation aside, the location has been used for starting bike rallies and as a location for supporting local and national charities. Currently the store is a location to drop-off specific Katrina supplies.

What about the hardware? That is the best thing about this store. The range of hardware is difficult to match, short of going to a big box store. There are many items that are difficult to find at larger stores due to branding. An independent can carry choices not available to some larger store managers.

If you are a carpenter, electrician, plumber or just an everyday handyman, there is an excellent chance you will find exactly what you need or want. If you need a special hammer, they’ve got it. If you need an oddball fixture, chances are they have it too.

If you go in early on Saturday morning they often have specials. One morning I went in and they were giving early customers American flags. Not the little ones either.

There is a huge assortment of hardware offered that even the large box stores might envy. The store in some ways has more of the feel of a century old general store even though the inventory is very up to date. Maybe it’s the friendly way the treat you, the unusually special pricing and the truly knowledgeable staff.

2533 Atlantic Ave
Raleigh, NC 27604-1411
(919) 832-2025

Ace Hardware stores are everywhere. With more than 4,800 stores this is a truly national store. Each Ace Hardware has a local franchise owner. This local nature makes each store unique.

The Ace Hardware on Falls of Neuse is the type of store where the folks there know the patrons. It is where we go to get keys made and to buy grass seed.

Though small in size the store is well stocked. In one area they really shine. If you need just one screw or one bolt, you can get it. When you come in with a broken #6 bolt, the salesperson will bring you to the correct area of the store. They will help you locate the perfect match, should you need help. And when they ring it up they will treat the sale just like you had purchased their most expensive power tool.

A daily special is the everlasting popcorn machine. Every day they are open, you can get free popcorn. It is always hot and very good.

Twice a year they have special days when they have dollar hotdogs. The parking lot is very full on those days. Many people in the surrounding neighborhoods make it a major family outing.

They carry a less extensive range than you might find at the previous hardware store, yet extensive enough to do most carpentry, plumbing and handyman jobs. As part of one of the largest hardware groups, if ACE carries it nationally, they can get it for you.

The store has a very neighborly feel to it. Many of us that shop there are easily recognized by the staff.

One feature I have always enjoyed is the extensive array of tiny hardware. It is usually easy to find a #6 or #8 something. What if you happen to need a tiny, tiny screw to repair a jewelry box lid? They have them in stock. The range of sizes in this particular store is definitely a major plus.

Ace Hardware
6196 Falls Of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27609
(919) 790-8832

Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop in Raleigh is a store that is more specialized than the others I have mentioned.

This store is part of a chain with four stores in North Carolina that focus on the wood worker.

They carry a wide range of woodworking tools and accessories. If the hardware you are looking for deals with wood, this should be a first stop in your search.

They carry books on wood working topics as well as wood working plans in the store. Most of the stores carry a range of woods with which the wood worker can fashion their new project.

Routers, power saws, belts, sanders, grinders and gifts are all part of the offerings.

The Gift offerings may be especially interesting this time of year. If you have a significant other who is terribly difficult to buy for, this could be your kind of place.
The store offers a very extensive range of gifts and gift ideas to please most handyman or handywoman.

For example they offer the Wonder Winder, which winds up to 150 feet of extension cord in 30 seconds. Does your special person have a lot of tangled extension cords?

This is an excellent store if the hardware you seek is related to wood working.

Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop Raleigh

3141 Capital Blvd Suite 110

Raleigh, NC 27604
(919) 876-0707

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