Why Do Children Run Away From Home

Millions of moms and dad’s suffer every year because their children have run away from home. They say it is like a never-ending nightmare. Parents are left to struggle with why their child would leave home. Some parents think that children run away because they want to experience some type of adventure, or test their independence. Sometimes it could be because of these things or over a disagreement over curfew or even a broken heart. Unfortunately the number of runaways continues to increase and the reasons continue to change.

Nowadays the reason for leaving home are far more tragic, things such as seriously eroded family conditions where children feel unwanted or unloved or maybe they are the victims of abuse. Instead of running to a better life, they are running away from something. Many children feel that if they do not run away they may end up dead. This is so sad and such a tragic situation for any young child to be caught up in.

Unfortunately once a child is out on the street they are exposed to a new set of dangers. With no money or support they often turn to drug dealing, prostitution, and thievery. There are people who are just waiting for your children to run away from home so that they can prey on them. The longer that a runway stays on the street the more their life deteriorates. Society has tried to help by setting up more shelters to house and guide these homeless children.

But it is very hard to get these runaways to come to these places. Many of them end up being very distrustful of adults or even to the point where they are suicidal. The problem seems to stem from all of these teenage pregnancies. I am not saying that all children who runaway from home were born to young unwed mothers, but do you realize that according to statistics about 85% of them are. This is a very large number, and the only way to really fix the problem is to talk to the parents. Sad to say however most of these parents never got the opportunity to finish growing up themselves.

You can protect your child by providing a better quality of life at home. A loving and happy home atmosphere with good communication will help your child to feel secure, which will make them thing twice before running away from home. Parents who care will also weigh their decision in the light of what is in the best interest of the children. Parents do not want there children to become neurotic and paranoid. Just take the time to show your child the love and affection that they deserve and need. By doing this you will not have to worry about your child being among the number of runaways in the world today.

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