How a Busy Mom Can Cope With Arthritis

Wherever you live, you may be attached by arthritis. This can be especially difficult for moms to deal with. How can you deal with the pain of Arthritis and still take care of the kids and do everything that a mom must do. The first thing that you will want to do is obtain an early diagnosis.

The book “The Arthritis Book” says; early diagnosis can help to minimize later pain and disability. If treatment is initiated early and with enthusiasm your outlook can be improved. But how can you deal with the pain? Believe it or not some doctors suggest that you should keep taking the pain, because pain-numbing drugs suppress the body’s natural alarm signals. By ignoring these signals it can lead you to irreparable joint damage. You should also take into consideration the side affects of this medication.

This is not to say that avoidance of all pain suppressants is advisable. In some cases failure to suppress pain may discourage the use of painful joints, leading to stiffness, atrophy, and eventual loss of joint function. Aspirin is widely used for pain relief. They are also prescribed to reduce swelling and inflammation. Both are considered effective by many arthritis sufferers and their doctors. In view of the potential dangers, however, know as much as possible about a treatment before embarking on it.

You will want to find out what the risks are by speaking to your doctor. Contrary to what people think extreme cold and dampness does not cause arthritis, however climatic factors do appear to influence the degree of pain that is felt. If you find this to be a problem there are several things that you can do to help. Some doctors suggest that the application of cold and heat can be useful. Apply an ice pack for about 20 minutes to whatever join and experiencing pain. this should be done at least three times a day.

Unfortunately this does not work for everybody. On the days that your arthritis is severe you may want to think about getting some help around the house and with the kids. You can ask a family member to help out or if you can afford it hire someone to clean for you. You may even want to consider having your husband do some or all of the shopping. This will definitely help you

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