Pirate Party Cake

If you have a pirate theme planned for your kid’s party, you can turn cake time into a treasure hunt activity. Hide edible “treasure” in the frosting under the cake’s decorations for the kids to find. Below are some directions for turning your party cake into a treasure-filled island.

What You’ll Need for Your Pirate Party Cake:
Mini, Candy-covered Chocolate or Other Soft Candy in Yellow, Blue, and Red
Dark Chocolate Chips
Pirate Cake Decorations
Cake Mix
White Frosting
Blue, Green and Yellow or Brown Sprinkles

To Make Your Treasure Filled Cake:

Bake Your Cake
Follow the instructions on the mix to create the cake. Remember the longer and wider the cake is the more space you’ll have to hide treasure. A rectangular, flat cooking sheet will work better then a two-layer, round cake. After the cake has cooled, frost with white frosting.

Hide the Treasure
Sort out the yellow, blue, and red candy. Be sure to use chewable candies that can be eaten with the cake. The yellow candy represents gold coins. The blue and red will represent rubies and sapphires. Dig a small hole in the frosting and place in some of the red, blue, and yellow candy. Then bury the treasure, smoothing the frosting back over the candy. Then over the spot where you buried the candy, either place a pirate decoration, or mark the spot with dark chocolate chips in the shape of an “X”. The pirate decorations can be anything from a plastic palm tree or alligator to a plastic seagull. Check out your local party store for a variety of cake decorations.

Making the Treasure Harder to Find
Place extra cake decorations and “X”s over spots with no treasure. This way kids will have to guess where the treasure might be. Finally, sprinkle the corners of the cake with blue. This area is the ocean. Inside this area, sprinkle yellow or brown for your beach area. Then sprinkle the center with green for your jungle.

You’re ready. Cut the cake. Then let the kids choose the piece they think holds the most gold, rubies, and sapphires. Hand them a fork or spoon and let them dig for treasure.

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