Cheap Snacks: Austin Toasty Crackers with Peanut Butter Can’t Be Beat

When I stopped to think about it recently, it ocurred to me that the food item I eat the most of is Peanut Butter crackers. Not just any peanut butter crackers, although any brand within eyeshot at a convenience store checkout is fair game for me. My day in and day out brand of choice is Austin* Toasty crackers with peanut butter.

In their familiar brown wrapper holding ” 8 packs of four “, at 99c retail everywhere, Austin toasty crackers with peanut butter have become a mainstay of my diet. When additional peanut butter is added, the taste and effect borders on sublime. The economic realities of being a painter and writer, led me years ago, to seek out inexpensive, yet tasty, non- perishable foods.When I discovered the eight- packs of Austin crackers for 99c at CVS, it was a diet- changing event. I would recommend these tasty treats to anyone who desires a light, nutritious and delicious snack that is fresh, convenient and easy to carry and eat anywhere, at any time. If You, like me, have fond memories of eating peanut butter crackers as a child, eating Austin toasty crackers with peanut butter is almost nostalgic. Unlike some crackers, the Austin toasty crackers are not too salty and they contain just the right amount of peanut butter in each ‘sandwich’ to produce a satisfying snack everytime they are eaten. Quite often, I carry the cellophane- wrapped packs of four in my jacket pockets, to either feed myself or the birds downtown. That is another point. If You are a Bird lover, like me, if You feed some Austin toasty crackers with peanut butter to the wild birds, they seem to really enjoy them.

Instead of eating a candy bar , or some other sugary concoction for a snack, eating Austin toasty crackers with peanut butter just seems so much healthier. Of course, if You want to indulge a sweet craving, adding Jam or Jelly to Austin toasty crackers with peanut butter tastes as good as anything You ever ate in a school lunch. Austin does produce a variety of their toasty crackers with peanut butter and jelly, but it is not as readily available as the standard product. If Cheese is your thing, Austin toasty crackers with peanut butter are available with cheddar cheese, also. Calorie- counters will want to know that each sandwich ( 2 crackers with peanut butter ) contains 35 calories, with 0% cholesterol.

Upon examining the eight-pack wrapper of Austin toasty crackers with peanut butter, it is noted that all product information is referred to When I went to the site, it linked me to .

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