Weight Loss for Men

Weight loss for men has always been easier than it is for women. Weight GAIN is as well. Most men can gain a substantial amount of weight pretty easily and it’s not much more difficult to take that weight back off. Read on guys. I’ll show you how to. Forget the diet aids, and shakes and energy bars. They have a purpose but be real. What would you rather have for lunch? A grilled cheese sandwich and some fries and soda or a shake? Sure you can do the shake thing. It will work but what about after you reach your goal? It’s a safe bet that you’ll likely go back to the soda, cheeseburgers and the other stuff and the weight will most likely return. And of course, you can fill up on a tossed salad and there’s nothing wrong with that but how many of you like MEAT? If you’re anything like me, the thought of a dinner without meat is appalling. There HAS to be something. Preferably STEAK or PORK. But we’ll be fine with chicken or fish too. I always say, “I’m not a rabbit”. And I’m NOT. Keep those GREEN weeds off my plate.

Cut Back

You don’t have to really cut out a lot of the things you eat, but cut BACK. Cut your meals in HALF. If you normally have something like 2 pork chops, a big heap of mashed potatoes with butter, and a some peas, (mm mm, that sounds good doesn’t it?) cut back to ONE pork chop, HALF the potatoes you normally have, and HALF the peas. If you drink whole milk, cut that back to ONE glass or 16oz a DAY. Drink WATER. Water will be your best friend for a while. If you do eat salad, cut that in half as well. Pay close attention here…Unless you eat a raw salad with NO DRESSING OR OIL AT ALL the fat content is likely just as much or not far below a McDonald’s Big Mac.

Stay Away From Fast Food

Speaking of McDonald’s, fast food (in all it’s forms) is in no way beneficial for you if you’re trying to loose weight. I know its convenient and it tastes pretty good but weather it’s their breakfast lunch or dinner, it’s not good for you at all on all sorts of levels. But that’s a whole other article so I won’t go into detail here.

Increase Your Activity Level

It wouldn’t hurt to join a gym but if your time doesn’t permit showing up and putting in 30-60 min, you can work out a bit on your own. Something as simple as a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day can do wonders. Wanna bump it up a notch? Walk a bit further or walk up hill. Walking up a modest hill will bring up your workout level significantly. Bring a bottle of water with you. Guys, if you have a wife or girlfriend and are sexually active, increase your sexual activity (if she’s up for it). An increase in sexual activity is EXCELLENT and EFFECTIVE exercise and it beats lifting weights.

Drink Water. Drink Water. Drink Water.

I can’t say it enough. Water is good for you and it fills you up. Whenever your hungry between meals, chug some water. Stay away from the “flavored waters”.

Cut Soda (even diet soda) COMPLETLY From Your Life

Soda is so bad for you and you know it. Don’t be fooled by diet soda either. Just because it doesn’t have sugar in it does not mean that it promotes weight loss. It’s LOADED with carbohydrates. The same thing applies to powdered drinks. Replace all of that stuff with WATER.
There is nothing wrong with natural juices but they have natural sugars in them too. There is nothing wrong with a glass of natural juice (make sure there is “no sugar added”) but keep it down to no more than 16oz a day.

The Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet DOES indeed work and work WELL. It’s true that carbohydrates contribute just as much to weight gain as fat does. But unless you have the food budget that allows you to buy and eat meat and cheese most of the time and cut out all bread, pasta, rice, and alot of other things, you may find the Atkins diet very difficult. Let’s face it, a jar of Prego, a pound of ground beef and a pound of pasta is cheaper and goes a LOT farther than the cheapest steaks or pork chops. If you like pasta (and most of us do) just cut your pasta portion in HALF as well.


As with any habit, there is a “hump” to get over. That hump is usually about 2-3 weeks. Habit? Yes, eating more than you need to survive and stay healthy is a HABIT. Just like quitting smoking or drinking, that first 2-3 weeks is the most difficult. If you can get through the hump the rest of the change will be MUCH easier.

All of what you’ve just read is NOT a diet, it’s a change in your eating habits. Can you NEVER have fast food or soda again? No. There is nothing wrong with having a soda or having a value meal at a fast food establishment OCCASIONALLY. I’d say no more than once a week with the soda. (I’m talking about a 12-20 fl oz container NOT a 2 liter) and no more than once every TWO weeks for fast food and do no larger than the MEDIUM soda or better yet, ask for water. Don’t super-size it. And don’t TOUCH fast food or soda ALL until you’ve reached your goal on the amount of weight you wish to loose.

As far as monitoring your progress, do a weigh in and measure your belly (while letting it out) at the beginning of the program. Write down the information and put away the tape measure and scale. Don’t measure or weigh yourself at all for the first MONTH. At the thirty day mark, weigh yourself and measure yourself and compare notes.

You can loose that weight so much easier than most women and you can usually do it faster as well. You don’t need to spend money on a gym or weight. You can do it with your mind and a few lifestyle changes. In the end, you’ll be lighter and most importantly, HEALTHIER.

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