The Seven Symptoms of a Compusive Gambler

A compulsive gambler is unable to resist the urge to gamble. The desire to gamble become so intense, he or she can only quench the thirst by gambling even more. Often the desire to gamble is cause by other serious emotional or psychological problems. Gambling is just one way to fill an unmet need in a person’s life.

Addiction to gambling is a very serious problem that can lead to severe personal and social consequences. It’s difficult to detect because there are not usually outward signs like in the case of an alcoholic or drug addict. The chronic gambler can often lead an outwardly normal life for a very long period of time. Eventually, the disease will start to overcome and the symptoms will become more noticeable.

Here are the seven symptoms of a chronic or addictive gambler:

Walks, Talks and Breathes Gambling

The compulsive gambler is preoccupied with gambling. He loves to tell stories of his experiences – the wins, the near misses. He’ll tell anyone willing to listen. He reads about gambling in an attempt to learn more about his habit. He’ll spend time developing new strategies to beat the odds. In short, everything about his life revolves around gambling.

More, More and More

A compulsive gambler in never satisfied. He will gamble more and more to fill the need that develops inside him. He craves the thrill and excitement more than the money or prizes. He usually spends more time gambling than planned.

Can’t or Won’t Stop

A true addiction is difficult to stop. Someone who is addicted to gambling is usually unwilling to quit and often makes excuses about his gambling. “I can stop any time I want” is an often heard excuse. The truth is, he finds it almost impossible to stop and is in a stage of denial about his addiction.

Compulsive gamblers also become irritable and restless when attempting to stop. Since gambling is usually a symptom of a more severe personal problem, when the gambling stops, the unmet need continues to foster a nagging feeling. The gambler who is trying to quit has no way to escape from the problem and no way to relieve the pain.

Lies, Lies, and More Lies

As with most addicts, the compulsive gambler starts to lie to his family and friends in order to hide the problem. Often, however, he will brag and lie about his winnings. Losing often goes unannounced but when confronted with the problem, the gambler will deny having a problem. They also become angry or hysterical when confronted about the issue. The lies soon become a way of life for the person addicted to gambling.

Financial Problems

One of the biggest signs of a gambling addiction is a sudden problem with personal finances. The compulsive gambler will start to depend on others when the financial problems become severe, resorting to lying about the cause of the problem.

He borrows from friends and family to support his gambling habit. Soon, he’ll start to resort to more drastic measures to obtain money: loans, refinancing mortgages, cashing in life insurance or 401K plans. In the worst cases, an addicted gambler will start stealing or committing fraud to maintain his way of life.

Self Destruction

An addictive gambler will loose interest in maintaining those things that are important: job, relationships, etc. A gambler will be faced with feelings of shame, remorse, and guilt after gambling episodes. Relationships with family and friends may serve as a painful reminder about the life the person may feel is slipping away. Inattention to detail and lack of focus may be the direct cause of losing a job.

In the worst cases, the depression may seem so overwhelming the person may consider or attempt suicide.

Because the addictive gambler sees gambling as a solution to the problems he is experiencing, he is more likely to reject any outside attempts at help. He knows how to deal with his problems better than other people. As a result, he will withdraw from loved ones who try to intervene.

Losing Control

A compulsive gambler may undergo a change in personality. He may become manipulative, irritable, argumentative, critical, or controlling. He may lose interest in regular activities and hobbies. He will make excuses about where he is spending his time or may try to evade the question entirely. Eventually, he will become combative when pushed too far.

Gambling addiction is a serious problem for many people. Professional counseling should be considered although getting the gambler to attend may be difficult.

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