T.O. Finds a New Home to House His Drama

While I think the Dallas Cowboys’ acquisition of supremely talented, but highly enigmatic wide receiver, Terrell Owens was a good move for the ‘Boys and one that could conceivably vault them to the top of the standings in the NFC East, I also believe it is only a matter of time before one of Owens’ idiotic outbursts lands him in the doghouse of either head coach Bill Parcells or owner Jerry Jones, whom I’m sure will be more lenient of Owens’ antics than the no-nonsense Parcells.

Although I’m not prepared to go on record with any statements concerning Owens’ future seasons in Dallas I will say that I fully expect him to be on his best behavior in 2006. How long his exemplary behavior will last remains to be seen, but I am betting that even T.O. realizes that time stands still for no man and since he isn’t getting any younger, he recognizes that he won’t get many more opportunities like this.

At least he sounded contrite during his press conference to announce his signing – saying all the right things – but remember, he said all the right things the day he joined the Philadelphia Eagles too

“I couldn’t be more excited to be here,” Owens said. “Of course, I have made some mistakes but I have learned from this ordeal. I know what is expected of me and I won’t let you (the Cowboys) down. This is America’s team. I am a star amongst stars now.”

Not only that, but I am absolutely certain that Owens wants to stick it to the Eagles in the worst way. Owens realizes that, in order to do that, he needs to be on the field for the two annual contests between the bitter rivals and not sitting at home because of any team imposed suspension for some negative nonsense.

“It gives me great joy,” he said, “just to go out there and perform at my highest,” Owens said.

One person who probably won’t fall for Owens’ okey-doke, is quarterback Drew Bledsoe, who knows all about Owens’ penchant for periodically ripping his team’s starting quarterback.

”I’m going in with my eyes wide open,” said Bledsoe. ”I know there have been some issues. But at the same time, going forward from here, I don’t see how it helps us to dwell on some of the stuff that’s gone on in the past.”

The bottom line with this signing is that it could either turn the Cowboys to champions or set them back another half-decade. I think the Cowboys have a strong enough coach in Parcells to keep Owens in line. I also think Jones will do whatever it takes to please Owens as long as he feels his team has a genuine shot to win a Super Bowl.

I don’t think this move necessarily puts the Cowboys ahead of some other NFC Super Bowl contenders, like the Seahawks, Panthers, Bears or even some of their NFC East brethren, the Eagles, Giants or Redskins, but I will say that they have instantly become a better offense, both, through the air and on the ground because of Owens’ presence.
Whether that translates into a Super Bowl title or even more wins, remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure – it definitely won’t be dull. And hey, who doesn’t love a great drama?

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