How to Get Skinny Face

Do you hate it when you see yourself in the mirror with all that undesirable fat you have got on your face? Dreaming to get a skinny face like Angelina Jolie? Getting a skinny face is what is desired by those who are having no curves on their face while their features are hiding behind the excessive fat. Thin skin enhances features and makes you look prettier but this does not happen every time and therefore it is very important to be careful while achieving a skinny face as it can easily turn a face into a disagreeable one.

Before getting started it is important to know the areas with excess of fat which are the cheeks, chin area and jaw bones and sometimes around our nose, eyes and eye brows. Many people think that they can loose fat from their face in the same way as they get rid of their body fat. But you can never apply the same rule here! Face requires a care of a different sort. So in this article we will see how we can achieve a skinny face, the one that will enhance your features. Here’s how:


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    Makeup Contouring Technique:

    This is a quick way of achieving a skinny face which also saves you money and effort but the bad news is that it’s a temporary solution.

    However this temporary solution is as frustrating as it is also saving you time and money. And the results are awesome! Your features will be beautifully enhanced giving them the most desirable shape with shadows where required.

    So how will you get a skinny face with makeup contouring? What is does is it will enhance your T area of your face and will also lessen your double chin and chubby cheeks. It also lessens heaviness around nose, temples and flatness of your forehead.

    While contouring, it is important for you to know the shape of your face and the areas which give a dull effect like a fat nose or a flat or wide forehead so find those areas and contour them with a natural shade. The areas that normally require contouring are revealed in the figure, you need to give shade on the areas which are shaded with a darker color in the figure like the outer region of the forehead to enhance the face outline, the middle depression of the cheeks to show less chubbiness and the nose and eye areas. Also contour the face outline and the neck area to give more definition to your face.

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    Face Sculpting:

    This is another option and is a permanent solution to get a skinny face. It is an expensive procedure but the good news is that there is no downtime as compared to cosmetic surgery. If you are interested to undergo this procedure take an appointment and ask your doctor for further guidance and assistance.

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    What to eat and what to avoid:

    Avoid salt in your food as excess of salt will retain water in your body as a result of which you gain weight. As we consume large amounts of salt, water retains in our body as a result and then this water starts getting stored in our skin which makes our face look puffy and swollen.

    Look on your diet and say yes to all the fresh and juicy fruits and raw vegetables. Moreover drink at least 8 glasses of water daily so that the cleansing process of wastes produced in our body never comes to rest. This way you will be able to loose weight from the entire body as well as from the face.

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    Facial Exercises:

    In order to loose fat there are many exercises as well that will help you loose fat in one to two months provided if you exercise regularly! Here are few exercises that may help you get through the problem:

    In order to make your face less chubby, do the smiling exercise. Try opening your mouth as much wide as you can. Repeat this 20 times thrice a day.

    Now to get rid of the double chin, bring your chin forward and backwards by straining the area around your chin. Repeat this 20 times at least twice daily.

    In order to loose fat around your jaws and cheeks and chin just start chewing movements. Some people eat chewing gums to ensure continuous movements of their jaws and mouth. This helps in loosing fat around these areas.

    All these exercises will help you tighten your facial muscles but remember if you are fat or too fat , then you wont achieve much results with these exercises  in which case you will have to loose your body fat and it will show it in your face.

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    Hormonal Imbalance and Weight Gain:

    Sometimes people are suffering from malfunctioning of the thyroid and pituitary gland and they do not know what’s wrong with them and why they are getting fatter and fatter day by day. And this is the silent cause of all that puffiness on their face and body (apart from many other symptoms). Therefore it is better to get your TSH (Thyroid Simulating Hormone) tested because most often this weight gain is due to hormonal imbalance. If in case your test proves that you are suffering from hypothyroidism then you should take an appointment from your Endocrinologist to get further treated for this puffiness on your face and entire body.

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