October 5: A Day of Resistance Against the Regime of King George W. Bush

There just aren’t enough opportunities to take the day off from work and school. Heck, American only gets what, maybe ten federal holidays a year. And if you work in the retail industry you can forget about it. Capitalism doesn’t shut down for birth or death or the struggle for independence.

Workers of the Country Unite! Workers and students are invited to take the day off on October 5, 2006. But don’t just sit around watching other people sitting around playing poker on TV, and don’t just sit around playing video games. Go out and gather in large crowds and demonstrate.

October 5th 2006 will be a day of resistance. Resistance against the neo-fascist regime of the illegitimate leader of the United States and all his crooked appointed cronies. Millions more every day are coming to realize what millions had already realized on September 11, 2001: George W. Bush is unfit for the Presidency. Most of the country was too much in shock from the shameful terrorist actions of those Saudi Arabians on board those planes to fully comprehend the importance of the fact that while our country was under full scale assault our President chose to sit in a school classroom and listen to a kindergarten story for seven full minutes. Remember: The President’s agenda is public knowledge; people knew he would be at the school. The significance: FOR ALL HE AND HIS WRANGLERS KNEW THOSE PLANES COULD HAVE BEEN HEADING FOR THAT SCHOOL. And still he chose to sit there.

This man turned a budget surplus into a budget deficit BEFORE 9/11. This man has allowed the mastermind behind 9/11 to remain free, while spending hundreds of billions on war to catch the wrong suspect. This man played guitar and attended birthday parties while thousands were suffering in the blistering Gulf Coast heat without food or water. This man wanted to turn control of American ports over to a country with a record of harboring terrorists. This man nominated a woman with no judicial experience at all to become a member of the highest court in the land. This man continues to stand firmly behind a draft-dodging Secretary of Defense who has lost the confidence of generals who actually have military experience to know why this war is going so horrifically bad. This man has broken laws put in place as obstacles to illegal wiretapping of ordinary American citizens. This man has overseen five years of stock market trading and the Dow Jones is still right around where it was on the day he took office. This man is on record as saying the use of nuclear weapons against Iran is an option. This man hasn’t even been in office for two full terms yet gasoline prices have doubled since he took his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution; three things he has most definitely NOT done.

His poll numbers are slipping further every day and there is nothing to indicate that they will be going up anytime soon. Iraq stands to get much, much worse before it gets better. Another hurricane season can only result in the confirmation that no improvements have been made at FEMA. Gas prices will probably hit four dollars a gallon before they get anywhere near two dollars a gallon again.

Congress isn’t going to do anything. On those few occasions when they are actually in session, they provide little more than a rubber stamp approval system for anything Pres. Bush desires. They have sat around for five years watching as an ever-increasing pile of evidence that this President is a criminal keeps getting bigger and biggerâÂ?¦and they do nothing. Waiting for impeachment? Don’t hold your breath. Heck, don’t even hold your breath for an official congressional investigation. All you’ll get for your efforts is turning blue and passing out.

Our government has failed us at every level. We have no access to recall the President of the United States and as long as Congress remains in the hands of the same political party as the President, Bush could murder children and never face accusations.

It is up to the people to express their outrage and to back up that outrage by showing a willingness to shut down the economy of the country for a day. And then, if necessary, for another day. If big business loses even a quarter of profit, they tend to get nervous. And since nothing greases up the wheels of politics better than the nervousness of big business, this may be the only way to finally get rid of the worst President in the history of the United States

Check out www.worldcantwait.net for more information.

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