Should the United States Remain a Country?

“What kind of question is that?”, you might ask. But it’s becoming a serious question and we need to answer it.

There are socialist globalist forces at work in the world today that have an agenda of establishing a one-world Big Brother style government under the UN, where they are already pushing plans to disarm all civilians around the world and establish global taxation to support it.

The United States with our history of independence and recognized individual rights, especially the Right to Keep And Bear Arms, is a great big obstacle to such plans.

As far back as when Ayn Rand wrote “Atlas Shrugged”, there have been predictions that socialists south of our borders would be pushing their invasive ideology northward into the United States. Well now it’s happening, along with an actual physical invasion.

We’ve had Castro for decades, and his goal has always been to spread his stalinist style Communist revolution throughout South America. He’s succeeding.

Hugo Chavez is now the virulent anti-American socialist President of Venezuela, where we get a lot of our oil imports, and he’s been ramping up his rhetoric against us recently.

Socialist Michelle Bachelet was elected President of Chile this year.

Mexico has become increasingly socialist, along with its long term background of corruption and there’s a chance that country could elect a socialist President this year. We also import a lot of oil from Mexico. See the pattern here? Not only illegal invasion but oil being used as a political weapon.

The U.S. has experienced an increased illegal invasion from south America ( mostly Mexico ) in recent years, that has left us with somewhere over 11 million invaders in this country now, sucking up welfare and medical resources and cranking out anchor babies so that they can stay. Our radical left is promoting amnesty for them, which could wind up increasing their numbers to as many as 30 million as they bring in their relatives, and encourage even more to follow. Those politicians who are not part of the radical left are afraid of losing latino votes so they’re pandering, being soft on the issue, and talking compromise. Compromise is losing in this case.

“In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromiser is the transmitting rubber tube.” – Ayn Rand, For the New Intellectual.

Some things shouldn’t be compromised. We wouldn’t want to comromise our sister to a rapist or our money or material possessions to a burglar, and we certainly shouldn’t compromise our borders to invaders.

A nation can only remain a nation if it has clearly defined borders that are enforced. Without that, it could cease to be a nation.

Yet here we are now, faced with polticians who don’t have the political will or courage to defend the borders of this nation any longer. In fact that is their constitutional duty.

“Article 1.Section 8.
The Congress shall have power 15 To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions; �

Article 4.Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion;âÂ?¦.”

Yet the politicians now claim that it’s impossible to stop and reverse this illegal invasion. Though some agree that our borders should be sealed, they won’t take action. The President could do so at any time, by signing an executive order and sending enough troops to seal our border until a wall could be built. But none of this is happening.

The politicians claim that it would be impossible to round up and deport all those 11 million illegal invaders. They say that just the number of buses required would stretch from the Mexican to the Canadian border. That is a straw man argument.

The very first step that can be taken, is to seal the borders with U.S. troops. The President is responsible for that.

Then the Congress needs to make it a felony to hire illegal aliens, with stiff fines and prison terms for those who violate it, and they need to start enforcing that. When TV news footage is shown, of employers being hauled off to jail, then employers will very suddenly stop employing illegal invaders. They will have no work and will return to their home countries. After that, the only ones who don’t leave will be the criminals who are making their livings at criminal activities and they can be caught and deported, but they will be a small minority.

So the solutions are there, but there’s a primary question that we all have to ask, to set these things in motion. Should the United States remain a country? If the answer is “no”, then all we have to do is leave things the way they are, and this nation’s days are numbered.

If the answer is a resounding “YES!”, then Americans need to get off their collective political backsides and start demanding ( not requesting – demanding! ) that these simple yet effective steps be taken to preserve this country as a sovereign nation. And not in ten or twenty years after the politicans discuss it for awhile, like they have with the problem of oil being used against us as a political weapon. Right now, while we still have a country called the United States that we can take back from the illegal invaders.

So if you, as an American, can answer “YES!” to the question of whether this should remain a country, write your representatives right away and tell them. And write the President and tell him that he needs to start exercising some leadership on this issue and seal those borders right away, to stop the illegal invasion.

He can be reached at:

President Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Sample Letter:

Dear [ � ]
I say YES! The United States SHOULD remain a country! I hereby demand that you take the necessary steps required by the Constitution to keep it one! This is a requirement of your oath of office, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and this country. We now expect you to do your duty!

Here is a 5 point illegal invasion reversal plan:
1. SEAL the borders with troops first and a wall later. But seal the borders! We have the military to do this. It’s the constitutional job of the military and the government to defend this country from illegal invasion.

2. Make it a felony with penalties that include severe fines and imprisonment, to HIRE illegal invaders, and ENFORCE IT. Start cracking down on companies that hire the illegals, with stiff fines and prison sentences for those involved. Then you won’t have to round MOST of the invaders up, they will not find work and will leave on their own. I keep hearing media pundits talk about how impossible it would be to forcibly deport tens of millions of people. Well we don’t have to. Make hiring them a felony with stiff penalties, and ENFORCE them, and those tens of millions of people will leave, all on their own!

3. Cut off all health and welfare benefits for illegals and if they have children here, legislate that those children are NOT U.S. citizens, because their parents were illegally here when they were born.

4. If anyone still remains, a certain time after it becomes a felony to hire them, they should be suspected of criminal activities, tracked down and deported. If they want to come back in under a guest worker program, make them get in line behind all the people who have been waiting patiently to legally get into this country. And by all means arrest anyone who came here with the intent to harm Americans, for example the middle easterners from countries like Iran and Syria who sneak across the Mexican border into the U.S., and the violent criminal gangs who are invading our streets to sell death drugs.

ONLY after all that has been done, establish a guest worker program to legally fill any jobs that Americans don’t fill at any particular time, and if Americans later come along and want them, they should get them first by having the guest workers leave them.

We demand that you take these steps right now and will not tolerate politicians who are spineless cowards and refuse to take the steps to ensure that the United States remains a nation!

[ your signature, address etc. ]

Melissa Rhiannon is a free lance libertarian / Objectivist writer living somewhere in Colorado/
Copyright 2006. All rights reserved.

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