Using Your Time Efficiently

In today’s modern, fast paced world . People need to make the most of their time. We have so much to do that what we really need is more time. Here are five great ways that can help you to make more time, save time, and use your time wisely!


Be careful how you use your time. When we spend our time doing what needs to be done you tend to have more time. You get what needs to be done, done. People who worry a lot are wasting their time, as are people who procrastinate. It takes time to worry and procrastinate because both of these things requiring thinking. All that time is wasted. That time that you spend determining whether you are going to do it or put it off, or worrying about how much time it will take or how well you can do it. Just do it. When you take the just do it approach you will just do it. Then it will be done. Then you move along as such, at a steady pace, just doing. That is the way to get things done. When things are done you have all the time not wasted yet.


Have a routine. Have your time planned. People tend to save much time when they know what they are doing and how they’re going to do it. An everyday routine does just that. Everyday you do what you have to do and get it done too. People are amazed with the amount of time they seem to have gained when they create a routine for themselves. I’m sure many of you have a routine. Try updating it and adjusting it to save even more time.


Get up an hour earlier. Go to bed an hour later. That can give you two extra hours every day. If you chose to only say get up an hour earlier you would still have an extra hour of time to use. A whole lot can be accomplished with just one extra hour to use. When we have a productive attitude towards all that we have to do that one hour can get a lot accomplished.

Get organized.How much time do you lose looking for things you can’t find? Getting organized is a great way to save time. Use a filing cabinet to organize important documents and such. Stop searching! Keep your desk neat and clutter free. When you know where what you need is, you won’t lose any time searching for it!


Quit smoking. You would be amazed at how much time smokers spend on cigarette breaks. Just think, every time you step outside or sit down to smoke a cigarette you are using time. In that time you could have been doing something else that you don’t have time to do. Trust me on this one. I am a smoker. Being that I am a writer, I have noticed that in the time it takes me to smoke a cigarette I could have mostly completed a blog or an article. 🙂

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