Indoor Games for Those Rainy or Winter Cold Days

We all know that winter time and rainy days are hard to deal with especially with a young child in the house. There is no snow on the ground to play in and it is just too cold to go outside. What are we to do with the energy building up inside our children? How can we get the energy released without freezing outside? Board games maybe, but they will not get rid of the child’s enthusiasm for physical activity. Also, board games don’t always work out so well with a 2 year old.

We have found a few games inside our house that we will play with our son. Be advised if you have precious breakables hanging on the wall in your hallway, stairway or on nearby tables this is not for you. We sometimes play these games on a daily basis. Most parents will tell their kids “no playing ball in the house.” I would normally agree with that statement but we have found out by playing these games nothing bad has happened yet.

This first game got started after our son got one of those super bouncy balls from a 25 cent machine. First I have him stand at the top of the stairs. NowâÂ?¦ I know most parents will say “there is no way I would let my 2 year old stand at the top of the stairs alone” but I have always stressed to him to stand back near the wall and not at the edge of the step when we play. Nothing bad has happened and he listens well to these instructions. I will toss the ball up to him typically in a fashion where he has to go down the upstairs hallway to retrieve it. Once he runs and gets the ball he then throws to ball back down to me. Sometimes he tosses the ball over the banister and watches it bounce up and down. Once he tires of chasing the ball down the hallway he then wants to come back downstairs. As he climbs down I am watching and coaching him to go slow. This also is a good exercise to teach him how to deal with stairs. I’m there to react quickly if he falters.

In another game, our son will decide to stand by the front door as I stand in the kitchen. We have a long hallway between these two areas. We will get a soft ball and kick it back and forth. Sometimes we roll the ball to each other. He will run and try to get to it before I do, playing a sort of “keep away” game.

The other thing we play is a sort of chase or “hide and seek” around the kitchen island. His head is just visible above the other side of the island so he thinks you can’t see him. I will get down and peek around each side and say “Boo.” He will laugh and run to the other side. Then we will just chase each other around the island. He is getting his energy out by running away from me or while trying to catch me.

These games may not fit your household or your rules. I know it helped us this winter and he just loves playing them. They teach him to use the stairs, catch a ball and the basics of “catch me if you can.” They are not only fun for my son, but I enjoy the time with him.

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