Church Vs State

We choose to live our lives in accordance with our believes. The two biggest impacts on American lifestyles happen to be religion and government. Religion has many different names, gods, belief”s and versions. Christianity is the biggest religilon in America and there are millions of churches across the nation .In fact if you took the amount of schools prek to colleges and added them all together there sre still more churches than educational facilities. It is a little ironic that in a country with kids not getting proper aducation and graduated not being able to afford college that we still feel the need to build more churches. High school’s become more and more over populated everyday which causes more oppurtunity for young one’s to run with a negative crowd and get into trouble because of the lack of attention that a teacher can give a student. This is just as acceptable as having a church with 20or less people in it’s congregation because God needs a new house everyday according to devowed rleigious followers. School’s do in fact ask for money for field trips, instructional fees lunch money etc, and parents do get upset sometimes but once again it is ok for a church to ask for on “offering” every time there is a church function. Suppose you go to chuch once on Wednesday and twice on Sunday that is fifty two weeks a year times 3 vistis which equals 156 days of being asked for an “offering”. If you give a minimum of one dollar each time that is $156 a year now lets saysay there is a congregation of 120 people and they all do this that equals $18,720.00 minimum because some people give more and keep in mind this is an estimate. Now think about this, when was the last time the PTA at school mentioned wanting to do more for students but having a poor budget. Better yet when was the last time you really looked at your kids texrbooks, When I was in school I had to be lucky to get a nice textbook because with lugging it around everyday within a couple years they get pretty ratty. So what if that $18,000 went to the schools from just one church or even half of it. Maybe the school board wouldn’t hire teachers that have sex with nine year olds or tell students to dhut up then deny it. The idea of school uniforms and better food come in to play as well. Most importantlt maybe just maybe newer textbooks more often, we all know that history and science changes everyday so what is wrong with more updated textbooks? There is said to be seperation of chuch and state but I guarantee that if you said the pledge od allegiance you would say God. When prayer is banned from school then why would a teacher make a student say God in the pledge. Also look at the money you give your kids to buy lunch with it says God as well, even the coins do. I support churches as well as school because they both play an important role in society. My view is this, school is the most important in life growing up because it gets us through life. I understand that to those who choose it religion is important but what does it say about our society that kids have to grow up so fast having to deal with what will happen when they die, or having the drug issue shoved down their throat. With me growing up the more I had something repeated to me the more I wanted to try it that goes for sex and drugs which yes I love sex and pot is great. I still have sex because I’m married but I don’t smoke pot because it is too much of a hassle which is a decision I made on my own not the school. Let kids be free and build more schools give more people the oppurtunity to answer more than three correct answers on Jeopardy.

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