RV: A Movie for the Entire Family

Looking for a feel good movie that your whole family may enjoy? Then look no further than the movie RV.

Released in April of 2006, RV’s ticket sells are doing good.

RV is about an hour and half and is rated PG for crude humor innuendo and language. The plot isn’t all that hard to follow. An average American family decided to go on a vacation. They are like most American families, dysfunctional. The family was planning on a vacation in sunny Hawaii. But Dad has another vacation in mind, a vacation cross country in a RV for two weeks, stopping at places like the Rocky Mountains.

The Father is overworked Bob the executive and he is played by none other than funny man Robin Williams. Knowing Robin is in it, you know you will be laughing.

At work, Bob is under a lot of pressure. A younger up and coming executive wants his job. He needs a breather. This is what the vacation is suppose to be a chance for him to bond with his family and relax.

Bob’s wife, Jamie, is a loving spouse, but she seems distant, at times. Jamie is played by Cheryl Hines.

Their kids Cassie (played by Joanna “JoJo Lebesque) and Carl (played by Josh Hutcherson) are normal teenage kids, wanting to live in their own little world. Bob knows that soon they will be all grown up and that bonding time will be gone.

When Bob first drives up in the rented, oversized, RV, Jamie and kids all are shocked. But Bob persuades them to give the trip a chance and off they go on their adventure.

Now comes the fun for the audience as we watch Bob, Jamie and the kids endure one another and their new environment. From the scenes showing boredom to the adventures and the strange people they meet along the road, the audience will symphonize and laugh as they continue their trip in their what appeared at first as a huge RV until you put one family inside it for two weeks.

For many families this film is a fun one to watch because they themselves will be off camping and traveling soon. They can relate to some of the turmoil and chaos.

Should RV be seen by the very young children, possibly not. There is some scenes that may not be suitable for the very young audience such as: some scenes that show the children calling Bob rude names, there is also mild profanity, there are also some jokes about mild sexual innuendo and prostitution.

Many critics are putting down RV. Some are say it is too predictable. But I don’t personally pay any attention to critics. I like a movie that makes me laugh. Robin Williams makes me laugh. I know a lot of people who plan on seeing RV just because of Robin Williams. Will RV make you think deep insightful thoughts? Probably not? But it will entertain you and leave you with a smile on your face from all the laughter, silly or not, more than likely yes.

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