Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is soon approaching on June 18th, are you prepared? Dad has gotten plenty of gifts over the years: neckties, homemade ceramic ashtrays, and maybe even a golfball or two. But now it’s time to get Dad stuff that he really wants! Whether your dad is a sportsman, a businessman, a military man, or just a sentimenal guy, we’ve got gift ideas!

So how did this special holiday come about? According to the Wikipedia, Father’s Day was originated by a woman called Sonora Smart Dodd. She was raised by a single parent father whom she wanted to recognize and originally wanted to have the date set at June 5th each year, which was the anniversary of his death. However she apparently didn’t give the event organizers enough time to plan the celebration so they had to move it to the 3rd Sunday in June. The First Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19th, 1910, however it didn’t become a national holiday until President Lyndon B. Johnson declared it to be a national holiday in 1966.

So have you given any thought about what to get your dear old dad on Father’s Day? Here are just a few ways you can help your father celebrate his special day!

1. Personalized gifts are always well-received. If you want to give your dad a personalized gift for Father’s Day, it will most likely be a keepsake that he’ll treasure forever! Engraved and personalized to his own liking, Dad will be sure to respond to it! We found a website that provides this service. It’s called Name Your Things and it’s got everything from monogrammed golf balls to engraved stop watches to wallets, frames, custom sports memorabilia, and more! Dad will surely make you his new favorite!

2. If you find yourself broke, do a favor for Dad. Celebrating Father’s Day or any special occasion isn’t about how much money you spend on someone. It really is about the thought behind it. If you’re a poor college student with limited funds, do a favor for Dad! Mow the lawn, paint the shed, wash the car. Anything that your father would normally do, take that chore off his hands and do it for him! He will appreciate you! (but don’t forget to at least get him a card!)

3. If your father is the type of guy that has everything, spend some time with him. All parents who love their children just want some time with them! So if your dad doesn’t need that new pair of underwear that you were going to buy him for Father’s Day, take him out to a movie, go fishing, play miniature golf, or even just sit and chat! Your father will be so glad to see you taking the time out of your life to dedicate to him. It will mean a lot!

So remember Dad on June 18th and come up with something special for your Father’s Day Gift Ideas!

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