How to Request a Copy of Your Credit Report

With the overwhelming information available within one’s fingerprints online, one can easily access their personal records via the web. While security issues are contagious and risky, many sites take the time to secure one’s information. From banking information to private investments, most information can be found at a price online. However, one’s general credit information can be found for free and can effectively help someone discover possible mistakes within this important financial document.

After a long search with Google, I discovered a free credit file disclosure site – – The site allows users to view their report once every 12 months from a series of nationwide consumer credit reporting companies such as Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. The website is a consumer service that allows people to request their reports under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act). FACT allows consumers to request their free credit report yearly from each of the named companies.

These companies have encouraged people to view their reports often in order to ensure their accuracy. This website offers a fast and convenient route of requesting, viewing and printing personal credit reports in a secure connection. They also advise that no information is disclosed to any company or person in connection with these credit reports because that is against their job responsibilities. For those who are weary about using the web feature, credit reports can be requested via telephone or mail as well.

When using the web feature, a page of personal information opens, in which a secure “locked” connection is viewed. The locked feature can be viewed at the lower right corner of one’s browser window and looks much like a standard lock. Do not disclose any information unless you see this feature. When presenting this information, the site allows for only your last 4 digits of your social security number to be displayed on your printed version. This is a great double-check in case this report should be lost in the future that whoever may find it cannot steal any of your other personal information.

After this information is processed, the user is offered a choice between the three companies. I chose TransUnion because I have used this feature in the past and know how to effectively receive the results I want. After choosing them, you are sent to a page to register a username/password with them. They offer you a free credit report (without your score) highlighting all open accounts you have, the highest balance you had, when you opened the account and any current balances. It also shows any late payments you may have processed within your credit history. It is very important to correctly review this information to check for mistakes. These mistakes could potentially cause you future financial troubles.

For only $5.95, you may choose to get a data analysis report or a Credit Score & Analysis Report added. After sending payment, you instantly receive this report. The report highlights your score and a summary of the effectiveness of your score. Often times these scores are determined by the amount of revolving debt experience one has. The length of time within one’s banking experience (most recent account) is also deemed as essential to one’s financial success.

The report offers ways to improve one’s credit score by reviewing your credit report to ensure it is accurate. It is also important to establish long-term, responsible credit behavior. To do this, you must pay bills on time, lower balances and use your credit wisely. This snapshot of the contents of one’s credit report can remain an important document in order to keep track of at all time. Many companies use this to decide whether to extend credit or provide financial services to you.

Ultimately, one’s credit report is essential to one’s future financial success. By ensuring the accuracy of this document, one may be able to secure positive results in the near future concerning one’s credit history.

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