Bonfire Safety Tips

A bonfire can be an enjoyable event. Everyone gathers around the fire to talk, laugh, and enjoy the fireworks. Many times food and games are a part of the bonfire event. In order to make sure there are no injuries resulting from the event, it is important to take the proper safety precautions.

In order to maintain the highest level of safety, there should be no alcohol at the bonfire. One the reason for this is that alcohol is flammable. If someone spills a drink, it could catch on fire and spread. Alcohol also affects the brain causing lower inhibitions and slowed reactions. In following the proper safety habits, alcohol should not be consumed at a bonfire.

Another tip for safety during a bonfire, it is make sure that it is built at least sixty feet away from any houses, trees, sheds, fences, and motor vehicles. For safety it is also necessary to make sure that there are no power lines in close proximity to the bonfire. Check weather conditions for the wind direction. The bonfire should be downwind of where the people will be in order to ensure their safety.

To make sure that safety is maintained, flammable liquids should not be used to light the fire or to increase the blaze. These kinds of materials can spread leading to a subsequent expansion of the fire. Fireworks should never be thrown into the bonfire, even if they have already been lit.

Safety doesn’t end when the bonfire ends. The person in charge should make sure that the bonfire has been completely put out for the safety of the environment and any houses that are nearby. All firework cases should be collected and discarded for safety reasons.

It is a good practice to let the local authorities know that the bonfire will be taking place. They will also have safety in mind and be on alert for any emergencies.

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