Boosting Your Child’s Self Esteem

As adults we know that our self esteem level is important. When we have low self esteem we feel poorly about ourselves and our abilities. When we have high self esteem we feel great and able. What we may not know, however, is that our children have self esteem too.

As parents we want our children to feel good about themselves. We want them to feel confident in themselves and their abilities. When our children have high self esteem they do better in school. They act better behaviorally. They feel good inside. This is very important.

There are several ways that we can boost our children’s self esteem. Many of these ways are very simple. Here are three great self esteem boosters…

1. Catch your children being good. Let them know about it too! Using comments like “Great job” or “Very well done” several times a day can do wonders to improve your child’s self esteem. Comments like these make your child feel good, like they are really doing a great thing by being good. Children crave this positive attention.

2. Discipline, don’t punish. All kids will act up behaviorally every now and then. When they do it’s very important to remember that kids will be kids. Discipline and punishment are two very different things. Discipline is a method of communication and guidance. We communicate why what the child did was wrong and why not to do it again. This guides, or teaches the child correct behavior. Punishment, on the other hand, is made up of things such as anger and yelling. Punishment scares children into correct behavior, rather than teaching. Punishment can reduce self esteem while discipline can increase it.

3. Compliment your child often. Giving little warm compliment to your child several times a day can make them feel confident and special. Telling your child that they are beautiful or very handsome can do it. Letting them know that they are growing up so nicely can as well. Others things your could say are “I love your personality” or “You are so much fun to spend time with”. Children need to hear such things daily. This can really boost your child’s self esteem.

Kids need healthy self esteem to feel and do well in every aspect of life. It is our job as parents to help boost our children’s self esteem. Above are three simple ways to do this. There are many, many more. Can you think of some? Use them, and watch your child bloom into a confident, secure adult.

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