You Can Achieve Amazing Abs!

What does the average person desire from a workout? Usually it’s to feel healthy, lose some weight, gain some confidence, and to develop a set of abs. More than anything else, a well-developed set of abs indicates a healthy and fit person. The coveted 6-pack is the Holy Grail of the fitness world, and for good reason: an amazing set of abs is one of the hardest goals to achieve. Most people find themselves working out and not seeing results in their midsection. With the right information and some willpower it is possible to make your abdominal workout more productive.

The reason developing that 6-pack is difficult is because of the nature of the abdominals. There are 2 factors affecting your abs: your body fat percentage and the actual size of your ab muscles. You can workout your abs all you want, but if you have a large layer of fat covering them, then they will not be visible. It is my belief that an ab workout is better done in stages rather than by trying to lose weight and gain ab muscle all at once, which is counterproductive.

The first stage is the losing weight part. Light ab workouts are fine, and you will be doing your preferred method of cardiovascular exercise. Swimming, walking, biking, and other exercises are all great, but nothing really beats jogging for getting your heart rate up and burning calories. For those who have knee problems, the elliptical machine is great. They should have one at your local gym. It is not beneficial to starve yourself when trying to lose weight. With all the cardio you will be doing you are going to need the energy from food. The key is to eat foods that give you the most out of your calories. Fruits and salads are good, but you need some form of carbohydrates as well. If you are going to eat bread for carbs, wheat bread is highly recommended.

In stage two you will be working out your abs heavily and feeding your muscles with protein-rich foods such as eggs, lean meats, and maybe a protein shake. When most people work out their abs they use no weight and do a high number of repetitions. For example, a person might do 50 crunches. In my opinion, in order to build muscle it is vital to stimulate the muscle more by using a heavier weight. Nobody does 50 bicep curls – they use a heavier weight and do 12 or so. Why would you work out your abs without weight? My favorite ab exercise is to lie on a decline bench, place a 35 lb weight on my chest, and do as many sit-ups as possible. You must go until your abs are burning. Don’t just pick a number and stop there. If the day after your workout your abs are not sore, then you didn’t work out hard enough. If you remain consistent with a workout like this, you will see results.

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